Baghdad 2007-07-12 airstrike videos

series of air-to-ground attacks by a team of two Apache helicopters in Al-Amin al-Thaniyah
English: Gun camera footage of the airstrike of 12 July 2007 in Baghdad, recorded by a US Apache helicopter and released by This gallery contains selected extracts.
See also: Category:Baghdad 2007-07-12 airstrike videos, Category:July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike controversy.

Wikileaks annotated videos

First 19min of 38min unedited video
Second 19min of 38min unedited video
13 minute 29 second lower bitrate version extracted from Wikileaks annotated video

Original Apache camera video clips extracted from Wikileaks MP4 video

61 seconds starting at 24 seconds
68 seconds starting at 83.516 seconds
48 seconds starting at 148.548 seconds
18 seconds RPG content starting at 148.548 seconds
Exhibit A-related 3 seconds clip starting at 101.835 seconds
Exhibit B-related 3 seconds clip starting at 130.196 seconds