Baltimore, Maryland

city in Maryland, United States
<nowiki>Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; بالٹی مور; Baltimore; Балтимор; Baltimore; بالٹیمور; بالٹی مور; Baltimore; Балтимор; Baltimor; Балтимор; Bartimora; Baltimor; Балтимор; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; बॉल्टिमोर; بالتیمور ٚ شأرستان (مريلند); Балтимор; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimor; Baltimore; بالتيمور; Baltimore; ဘော်လ်တီမိုးမြို့; 巴爾的摩; Балтимор шаары; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; بالتیمور; 巴爾的摩; Baltimore; ბალტიმორი; ボルティモア; بالتيمور; බැල්ටිමෝරය; Baltimora; बाल्टीमोर; 巴尔的摩; Baltimore; Պալթիմոր; Baltimore; Baltimore; பால்ட்டிமோர்; Балтымар; Baltimore; Baltimor; บอลทิมอร์; Baltimore; Baltimora; Baltimora; བྷལ་ཏྲི་མོར།; Baltimora; بالتیمور شهرستان (مریلند); Балтимор; Baltimore; 波地摩; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimòra; Балтимор; Baltimore; Baltimor; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; বাল্টিমোর; Baltimore; באלטימאר, מערילענד; Βαλτιμόρη; Балтимор; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimora; Baltimore; Tóbinídahaazyínídi Kin Haalʼáhí; Baltimore; Բալթիմոր; Baltimore; Baltimore; Балтимор; Baltimore; Балтимор; Baltimore; Baltimore; ബാൾട്ടിമോർ, മെരിലാൻഡ്; ಬಾಲ್ಟಿಮೋರ್, ಮೇರಿಲ್ಯಾಂಡ್; بالتیمۆر; Baltimore; Baltimora; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; બાલ્ટીમોર; 巴爾的摩; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Балтимор; Балтымар; ბალთიმორი; ਬਾਲਟੀਮੋਰ; Baltimore; बाल्टीमोर; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; بالتیمور; Baltimore; בולטימור; Балтимор; Baltimore; Балтимор; బాల్టిమోర్; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; 볼티모어; Baltimora; Балтимор; Baltimore; Балтимор; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; ባልቲሞር; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Bealdimōr; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimorė; Baltimore; Baltimore; 巴尔的摩; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; 巴爾的摩; Baltimore; Балтимор; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; Baltimore; 巴尔的摩; বাল্টিমোর সিটি, মেরিল্যান্ড; ciudad en el estado de Maryland, Estados Unidos; város Maryland államban, USA; borg í Maryland í Bandaríkjunum; ола УАШ-ыште; ciudá del Estáu de Maryland, Estaos Xuníos; ciutat de Maryland, als Estats Units; bevölkerungsreichste Stadt im US-Bundesstaat Maryland; city in Maryland, US; شهری در ایالت مریلند، آمریکا; 美國馬里蘭州城市; by i USA, grundlagt 1729; संयुक्त राज्यको मेरिल्यान्डमा रहेको सहर; アメリカ合衆国メリーランド州の都市; stad i Maryland, USA; עיר במרילנד, ארצות הברית; Әмирикә Кушма Штатлары шәһәре; 美國馬里蘭州的獨立城市; 미국 메릴랜드주의 독립시; Stad am Maryland; city in Maryland, US; градо во Мериленд, САД; ਅਮਰੀਕਾ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ; città statunitense; mesto na východe USA; municipalité du Maryland, États-Unis; city in Maryland, United States; Горад у штаце Мэрылэнд, ЗША; grad u Marylandu, SAD; град в САЩ; urbo en Marilando, Usono; sídlo ve státě Maryland v USA; stad in de Amerikaanse staat Maryland; gávpot Marylandis, USA:s; thành phố độc lập thuộc tiểu bang Maryland, Hoa Kỳ; gåårad Marylandist, Ameriikk õhttõõvvâmvaaʹldin; Pilsēta ASV, Mērilendas štatā; АҚШ-тың Мэриленд штатындағы қала; cidade independente em Maryland, Estados Unidos; mesto v ameriški zvezni državi Maryland; 美國馬利蘭州城市; cidade independente em Maryland, Estados Unidos; kota di Maryland, Amerika Serikat; นครในรัฐแมริแลนด์ สหรัฐ; największe miasto w stanie Maryland; by i Maryland i USA; 美國馬里蘭州的獨立城市; крупнейший город штата Мэриленд, США; горад у штаце Мэрыленд, ЗША; місто, США, штат Меріленд; kaavpug Marylandist, Ovtâstum staatâin; cidade do estado estadounidense de Maryland; مدينة في ولاية ميريلاند الأمريكية; πόλη της πολιτείας Μέριλαντ των ΗΠΑ; Kaupunki Marylandin osavaltiossa, Yhdysvalloissa; Baltimore (Maryland); Ciudad De Baltimore; Ciudad Con Encanto; municipalité de Baltimore City; Baltimore; Baltimore, Maryland; Baltimore, Maryland; Baltimore, Maryland; 巴尔的摩; 巴尔地摩; Baltimore, Maryland; Baltimore, Maryland; mesto Baltimore; 巴爾的摩; Kota Baltimore; Baltimore, Maryland; City of Baltimore; ボルチモア; බැල්ටිමෝර්; Baltimora; מחוז העיר בולטימור; Baltimoro; ಬಾಲ್ಟಿಮೋರ್; Baltimore; Baltimore, Maryland; City of Baltimore; Baltimore City; Charm City; B more; Bmore; Baltimore, MD; Balt.; BAL; B'more; بلطيمور; Πόλη της Βαλτιμόρης; Baltimore, Maryland</nowiki>
city in Maryland, United States
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Instance of
Part of
Named after
Located in or next to body of water
School district
Legislative body
Head of government
  • 1729
Significant event
  • Battle of Baltimore
  • 2015 Baltimore protests
  • Howard Street Tunnel fire
  • Baltimore riot of 1968
  • Occupy Baltimore
  • Sheila Dixon trial
  • Baltimore police strike
  • Christmas Conference
  • Great Baltimore Fire
  • Baltimore railroad strike of 1877
  • Baltimore riot of 1861
  • 585,708 (2020)
  • 238.411179 km² (2016)
Elevation above sea level
  • 10 ±1 m
Different from
official website
Map39° 17′ 11″ N, 76° 36′ 54″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q5092
ISNI: 0000000404202224
VIAF cluster ID: 235452840
GND ID: 4004380-0
Library of Congress authority ID: n79006530
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 15238454s, 11943130m
IdRef ID: 027376214, 25591606X
NL CR AUT ID: ge131170
National Library of Israel ID (old): 000974211
National Library of Spain ID: XX457667
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10045428
J9U ID: 987007552532905171
Open Library ID: OL54503A
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 133345 ID: osm&id=13194218
Omni topic ID: 618df544-9d0a-42ed-87da-ad7833846344
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