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4 strokes: radical 61 + 0
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English: Note: In English Wiktionary, there are also three pages for related unified ideographs:
  • (U+38FA, in the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A block), based on the narrowed variant ⺖(U+2E96) of Kangxi radical 61,
  • (U+5FC3, in the CJK Unified Ideographs block), based directly on the Kangxi radical 61 心 (U+2F3C) or its smaller variant ⺗ (U+2E97), and
  • (U+5FC4, in the CJK Unified Ideographs block), based on the narrowed variant ⺖(U+2E96) of Kangxi radical 61.

Media in category "忄"

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