Category:10 November 1987 protest for democracy in Dhaka

Protest for democracy in Dhaka, 10 November 1987


On 10 November 1987 political opponents of Bangladesh came together for what they called a "Dhaka Siege" (Dhaka Blockade) to demand an end to the rule of President Hussain Muhammad Ershad based on violations of democracy. This photographs will explain the day November 10 1987 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. All day long from early morning to the time Shohid Noor Hossain was been shot by Bangladesh Policee. It was a glorious moment for me to have captured these front facing, historic images of Noor Hossain Activist just before he was shot dead by 'The Bangladesh Police' on 10 November 1987. Untouched as it is from the original negative with sections of the film being lightly damaged, you can see on some photo's. Old (1987) 35mm film converted to digital photo after 27 years by 'Black's Photography' in Toronto Canada on November 2013. Noor Hossain (Bangla : নূর হোসেন and Anglicised: Nur Hossain) was a Bangladeshi activist who was killed by the Bangladesh Police 10 November 1987 while protesting against President Hussain Muhammad Ershad near zero point in Dhaka Bangladesh. The anniversary of his death is officially commemorated each year as Noor Hossain Day. He is one of the most widely known martyrs from Bangladesh's pro-democracy movement. Photographs of him helped inspire an uprising that toppled a dictator. Noor Hossain's sacrifice immortalised on postage stamps published by The Bangladesh Post Office in 1991.

With Sheikh Hasina (PM), Noor Hossain and all other photographs of activist taken on 10 November 1987 protest for democracy in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

All images in this category were captured by Photojournalist Dinu Alam (ছবি : দিনু আলম) Toronto, Canada

with a Yashica FX-7 Super SLR 35mm film camera.

Media in category "10 November 1987 protest for democracy in Dhaka"

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