Category:1511 Ptolemy

Claudii Ptholemaei Alexandrini
Liber Geographiae
Fully Liber Geographiae cum Tabulis et Universali Figura et cum Additione Locorum quae a Recentioribus Reperta Sunt Diligenti Cura Emendatus et Impressus. Edited by Bernardo da Sylva (Bernardus Sylvanus Eboliensis or Evoliensis), who added more modern information to the gazetteer and maps and an additional cordiform world map. Published at Venice by Jacopo Pencio da Lecco (Jacobinus or Jacobus Pentius de Leucho). Printed from woodblocks in red and black ink.

Copies at Google Books [ 1 ] [ 2 ] and the Internet Archive [ 1 ]

Media in category "1511 Ptolemy"

The following 66 files are in this category, out of 66 total.