Category:1633 books from London
English: Please verify that the book in question was published in London in that year (via source-links or image descriptions). Books may be republished in new editions and in other cities, so several categories may apply.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Media in category "1633 books from London"
The following 41 files are in this category, out of 41 total.
Medical Heritage Library (IA b30328160).pdf 1,435 × 1,956, 284 pages; 36.47 MB
Medical Heritage Library (IA b30330956).pdf 1,616 × 2,516, 486 pages; 77.86 MB
The survey of London- contayning the orignall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe (IA b30331870).pdf 1,739 × 2,577, 1,002 pages; 177.47 MB
Medical Heritage Library (IA b3033794x).pdf 1,579 × 2,114, 836 pages; 104.27 MB
The bird in a cage - a comedie, as it hath beene presented at the Phoenix in Drury-Lane (IA birdincagecomedi00shir).pdf 762 × 1,070, 98 pages; 10.17 MB
Book of Sports.jpg 350 × 537; 47 KB
The broken heart- a tragedy (IA brokenhearttrage00fordrich).pdf 1,366 × 1,175, 88 pages; 3.1 MB
A contention for honour and riches (IA contentionforhon00shir).pdf 731 × 1,029, 50 pages; 4.33 MB
The costlie whore - a comicall historie, acted by the Companie of the Revels. (IA costlievvhorecom00unse).pdf 833 × 1,166, 92 pages; 7.34 MB
Foure godly and learned treatises .. (IA fouregod00pres).pdf 754 × 1,106, 1,122 pages; 110.11 MB
The heire - a comedie - as it was acted by the Company of the Revels, 1620 (IA heirecomedieasit00mayt).pdf 685 × 1,004, 82 pages; 8.49 MB
Poems-JDonne.jpg 426 × 600; 54 KB
Prynne.jpeg 470 × 741; 301 KB
Quadrivium Sionis - or, The foure ways to Sion (IA quadriv00monl).pdf 829 × 1,125, 194 pages; 18.1 MB
The Strange and Dangerous Voyage (Thomas James, 1633) - 1 title page.png 1,444 × 1,880; 4.32 MB
The Strange and Dangerous Voyage (Thomas James, 1633) - 6 excerpt from page 28.png 1,757 × 536; 2.17 MB
'Tis pitty shee's a whore - acted by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants, at the Phaenix in Drury-Lane (IA tispittysheeswho00ford).pdf 1,091 × 1,577, 86 pages; 6.96 MB
Tragedies and comedies - collected into one volume. (IA tragediescomedie00mars).pdf 483 × 839, 430 pages; 35.55 MB
A tragedy called All's lost by lvst (IA tragedycalledall00rowl).pdf 1,208 × 1,708, 82 pages; 6.8 MB
The tragedy of Nero - newly written (IA tragedyofneronew00smit).pdf 1,233 × 1,789, 90 pages; 7.83 MB
The tragedy of Orestes (IA tragedyoforestes00goff).pdf 754 × 1,068, 84 pages; 7.13 MB
A treatise of the two sacraments of the gospell - baptisme and the Supper of the Lord .. (IA treatiseoftwosac00drda).pdf 735 × 1,022, 460 pages; 44.81 MB