Category:1730s maps of Egypt

Media in category "1730s maps of Egypt"
The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.
Carte de lEgypte, de la Nubie, de lAbissinie &c. (7557379916).jpg 4,306 × 3,636; 16.65 MB
Benoît de Maillet Description de l'Egypte - Map of Egypt.jpg 1,064 × 1,023; 435 KB
Moll, Herman. Turkey in Asia; or Asia Minor &c. 1736 (K).jpg 846 × 837; 173 KB
Aegypti Delta et Nili Ostia - DPLA - 2b5bad7618ad8d29ffa3b339dcc046e1.jpg 1,000 × 831; 186 KB
Aegyptus - DPLA - 84562628c4212513a541acf2033e9269.jpg 701 × 1,000; 193 KB
Aegyptus Marmarila et Cyrenaica - DPLA - 09c4a7ceed81d11c1034dddc66ea5cfe.jpg 1,000 × 842; 182 KB