Category:1780s maps of Jamaica
Media in category "1780s maps of Jamaica"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Jamaica, West Indies - Geographicus - Jamaique-bonne-1780.jpg 2,500 × 1,700; 1.05 MB
A chart of Montego Bay on the north west shore of the Island of Jamaica (3046595634).jpg 1,500 × 2,000; 2.71 MB
Carta de la isla de la Jamayca - btv1b59706650.jpg 6,192 × 5,088; 4.1 MB
Carta de la isla de la Jamayca; dividida en diez y nueve parroquias ó quarteles. LOC 73691844.tif 7,644 × 6,682; 146.13 MB
Rigobert-Bonne-Atlas-de-toutes-les-parties-connues-du-globe-terrestre MG 0020.tif 5,184 × 3,606; 53.51 MB
A chart of Port Royal and Kingston Harbours in the island of Jamaica LOC 81693666.jpg 16,310 × 11,751; 20.71 MB
Carta de los puertos de Kingston y Puerto Real - btv1b59706902.jpg 5,942 × 5,180; 4.54 MB
A draught of Blufields Bay Jamaica survey'd in March 1787 by Wm McL Rice RMG F0073.tiff 6,110 × 3,046; 53.25 MB
Carte de lisle de la Jamaïque (4586546961).jpg 2,000 × 1,347; 2.41 MB