Category:1790s maps of Ireland

This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "1790s maps of Ireland"
The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total.
Map of Ireland in 1791 by Reilly 089.jpg 1,141 × 882; 441 KB
Beaufort 1792 Geographical map of Ireland.png 3,059 × 4,616; 6.83 MB
A new and correct chart of England - btv1b53009654f (2 of 4).jpg 7,965 × 10,054; 11.54 MB
AusschnittKarte1797CustomHouse StMarksChurch.jpg 1,040 × 687; 193 KB
1799 Cary Map of Ireland - Geographicus - Ireland-cary-1799.jpg 5,000 × 4,379; 6.57 MB
1799 Clement Cruttwell Map of Ireland - Geographicus - Ireland-cruttwell-1799.jpg 2,962 × 3,500; 2.72 MB
Map of Ireland 1792.png 2,458 × 3,632; 4.45 MB
Map of Ireland in 1791 by Reilly 090.jpg 640 × 480; 150 KB
Map of Ireland in 1791 by Reilly 091.jpg 640 × 480; 167 KB
Reilly Allgemeiner Postatlas Schottland, Irland.jpg 500 × 332; 30 KB
Reilly Karte von Ireland.jpg 647 × 506; 103 KB
Tardieu, Invasions of England and Ireland, 1798, Cornell CUL PJM 1028 01.jpg 9,621 × 7,764; 12.21 MB