Category:17th-century maps of the Philippines
This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "17th-century maps of the Philippines"
The following 26 files are in this category, out of 26 total.
1602 map of Albay in southern Luzon province of the Philippines.jpg 5,448 × 3,615; 5.02 MB
Baai bij het eiland Rapu Rapu, 1600 La Baye la baye (titel op object), RP-P-OB-80.296.jpg 5,866 × 4,742; 5.34 MB
Pre1636 sulupre1636 sulu ph.jpg 640 × 434; 69 KB
The Molucca Isles; Isles of Japan; The Philippine Islands (NYPL b14428893-1503445).jpg 5,248 × 6,299; 7.1 MB
Planta de las islas Filipinas - Marcos de Orozco la tallo - btv1b5963238c.jpg 6,032 × 7,768; 5.87 MB
Belegering en ontzet van het fort Philippines.JPG 1,500 × 1,124; 957 KB
Carta particolare dellIsole Fillipine è di Luzon (5961365584).jpg 1,459 × 2,000; 2.58 MB
Carte de la Mer de Chine - btv1b72008390 (1 of 2).jpg 12,396 × 10,027; 14.57 MB
Carte manuscrite des îles Philippines y compris celles de Palaos - btv1b59628080.jpg 10,408 × 7,552; 7.42 MB
Descripcion de las Indias del Poniente.jpg 1,000 × 741; 168 KB
India quae Orientalis dicitur et insulae adiacentes - btv1b525051494 (1 of 4).jpg 9,510 × 7,598; 8.23 MB
Jordglob med horisontcirkel med kalender, 1602 - Skoklosters slott - 102417.tif 3,614 × 4,518, 2 pages; 46.74 MB
Kâtip Çelebi's Cihannümâ - map of Philippines.tif 3,540 × 5,061; 39.32 MB
Map of the Philippines, 1683.jpg 490 × 770; 109 KB
Selden map.jpg 1,353 × 2,199; 1,008 KB
Spanish Provinces in the Pacific.png 411 × 250; 35 KB
Typus freti Manilensis - btv1b5963246x.jpg 5,240 × 1,952; 1.6 MB
UBBasel Map Marianen Philippinen 1652 Kartenslg Mappe 251-111.tif 6,199 × 3,635, 2 pages; 64.49 MB
UBBasel Map Philippinen Marianen 1679 Kartenslg Mappe 251-112.tif 6,250 × 3,692, 2 pages; 66.04 MB