Category:1810s maps of Chile
Media in category "1810s maps of Chile"
The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.
1818 Pinkerton Map of Chile - Geographicus - Chili-pinkerton-1818.jpg 3,661 × 5,000; 3.76 MB
Chile LOC 2017594101.jpg 6,193 × 8,801; 7.76 MB
Chile LOC 2017594101.tif 6,193 × 8,801; 155.94 MB
Il Chili, regno dell'America meridionale - btv1b8441073c.jpg 4,918 × 6,737; 4.92 MB
Chili and part of the Viceroyalty of La Plata (NYPL b15376638-1404017).jpg 4,688 × 6,299; 7.38 MB
Peru, Chili and La Plata (4583424099).jpg 1,505 × 2,000; 2.64 MB
Péru, Chili and La Plata - btv1b530291439.jpg 6,732 × 8,719; 9.06 MB