Category:1880s maps of Portugal

This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Media in category "1880s maps of Portugal"
The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total.
Admiralty Chart No 1 British Islands to the Mediterranean Sea, Published 1884.jpg 8,151 × 12,101; 26.85 MB
317 of 'Handbook of Commercial Geography' (11200017685).jpg 3,130 × 2,400; 1.47 MB
8 of 'Old Spain and new Spain' (11195626095).jpg 2,208 × 1,318; 953 KB
Carta itineraria da 1a divisao militar, 1881 - btv1b53022987c.jpg 8,988 × 13,876; 15.09 MB
Mapa Cor-de-Rosa.jpg 800 × 636; 172 KB
Mapa de Espa-a Material cartogr-fico 1.jpg 3,116 × 2,313; 986 KB
Mapa ilustrado de España y Portugal - por D. Guillermo Osler - btv1b532394043.jpg 11,588 × 8,598; 14.08 MB
Mappa physico e politico do reino do Portugal... - feito por A. Vuillemin... - btv1b53023159b.jpg 7,717 × 10,806; 14.22 MB
PT-TT-CMP-0015 m0001 derivada.jpg 4,273 × 3,776; 4.48 MB
Red geodésica de orden y nivelaciones de precisión de España (1883).jpg 10,653 × 7,971; 20.45 MB