Category:Acoustic Black Widow


  • Michael Wright. "Acoustic Black Widow - Black Widow Guitars". Vintage Guitars (July 1998).
    "​The Acoustic Black Widows were particularly interesting because they really went in the face of trends of the times. Black Widows were likely designed in the U.S., but the majority were built in Japan (though Semie Moseley said he built the final 200). The Black Widow shown here is Japanese, and I have personally held a Black Widow guitar with slightly different features and a feel that is unmistakably Mosrite. What made these so curious was that, while most American importers and manufacturers were rushing headlong toward the copy syndrome, the Acoustic Black Widows were unique, designed with certain technological objectives in mind. "
  • The Acoustic Black Widow Fan Pages.
    "​Welcome to the Acoustic Black Widow pages, a site devoted to a really great guitar that's definitely a sleeper in the vintage market. These guitars were offered by the Acoustic Control Corporation, a company better known for their amplifiers, from around 1970 to 1974. Very little info is available on them, but it's been noted that while most of them were made in Japan, the earliest ones were made by Bartell while there were approximately 200 that were made by Mosrite at the end of the Black Widow's production. / I encourage owners of Acoustic Black Widows (all versions) to send pics and info about your guitar. I'll add these to a database of serial #s. "
  • #91313 Bartell/Hohner Black Widow. Bartell Guitars and Basses (
    "​Black Widow guitar made by Bartell and branded for Hohner. According to Dave Peckels, when Bartell's contract with Hohner ended they were informed that they still owed Hohner some guitars so this may be one of those guitars. They may have simply rebranded one or more of the Acoustic Black Widows to fill out their obligation to Hohner. The pots are dated 1969 which places it about the time Bartell was doing their Black Widow run for Acoustic. ... "
  • #A163 Bartell fretless guitar [Bartell/Acoustic fretless guitar]. Bartell Guitars and Basses (
    "​Bartell/Acoustic fretless guitar ... also owned by Jimi Hendrix and, possibly, John Lennon. ... I'm not sure why it has an Acoustic label on it but it may possibly be part of a group of prototypes Bartell developed for Acoustic prior to the Black Widow production. "