Category:Angelus (push up player)

Angelus is a push-up piano player developed by Wilcox & White Co., Meriden, Connecticut, circa 1896-1897.



Note: underlines added by editor.

  • (1896-05-20). "The “ANGELUS”". Musical Age [Freunds Musical Weekly] 14 (2): 11.
    "Wilcox & White's New and Perfected Self-Playing Piano Attachment. / If Meets With Immediate Favor in the Trade, and is Already Being Largely Handled by Well-Known Dealers. / ... ",
    "​ The “Angelus,” as the new attachment is called, is specially remarkable in the fact that music which it performs is reproduced with so much expression, and not with the monotonous tones and mechanical sound of the average piano attachment. The principle on which it is worked is that of pneumatics, which are connected with bellows and operated by foot pedals. If necessary, the attachment can also be worked by electric or water motors. "
  • US patent application 592641, William D. Parker, Edward H. White, "Automatic Piano-Player.", published 1897-10-26  
    See  Category:US592641A Automatic Piano-Player (1897) William D. Parker, Edward H. White‎.

Further reading


Note: underlines added by editor.

 Wilcox & White (1877-1922)
  • Wilcox & White. Antique Piano Shop (
    "​Wilcox & White was established in 1877 in Meriden, CT. The firm built a variety of pianos and organs during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, but their specialty was player pianos and player organs. Wilcox & White was one of the first to produce a 'push up player' device to play ordinary pianos. This device was called the 'Angelus' and was essentially an external cabinet with felt covered 'fingers' that were pushed up to a piano keyboard. The device used a perforated roll and was operated by foot treadles, and was the forerunner of the traditional player piano of the early 20th Century. They built a line of player reed organs called the 'Wilcox & White Symphony Organ' which were very complex and ahead of their time. After the turn-of-the-century, the firm manufactured more traditional player pianos under the 'Wilcox & White', 'Artrio-Angelus' and 'Vesper' brand names. Wilcox & White was out of business before the Great Depression era. "
 Angelus (1897-)
  • History of the Pianola - Inventors. ( Pianola Institute.
    See  description about William D. Parker and Edward Henry White, on the “Edward H. White - Inventor of the Angelus”.
  • The Angelus. The Pianola Institute (
    See  Early Instruments”, and “The Angelus and the Angelus Orchestral.
  • Angelus. Antique Piano Shop (
    "​The “Angelus” was an early brand of player piano mechanism built by the Wilcox & White Piano & Organ Company of Meridian, CT, circa 1877-1929. The Angelus player system was a standard mechanical player system while the “Artrio-Angelus” was a more advanced version of the player system that played with expression and human nuance. ",
    "​The Angelus and Artrio-Angelus systems were installed in several different brands of American-made pianos. In 1909 the London firm of Sir Herbert Marshall & Company entered into a contract with Wicox & White which allowed his firm the exclusive representation of the Angelus player mechanism in Great Britain. "
    • Being the Originators of Piano Player, ... ANGELUS ... (advertisement / image). Meriden, CT: Wilcox & White Co. (early 20th c.).
      "​The KNABE-ANGELUS and the EMERSON-ANGELUS both possess those exclusive features so well known in the ANGELUS in cabinet form—the Phrasing Lecer mastering time, the Melody Buttons giving subtleties of expression, and the Diophragm Pneumatics controlling the power and delicacy of human touch. Correct musical expression is impossible without these three features which are exclusive with the ANGELUS and its combination instruments; and so they stand in the world of music without an artistic peer. "
      SeeFile:Angelus advertisement (early 20th c.) by Wilcox & White Co.jpg.


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