Category:Apollo 17 EVA at Station 5

From the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report, Chapter 5 (NASA SP-330, 1973):

Excerpt from The Valley Floor

The dark floor of the Taurus-Littrow valley is underlain by a body of basalt between the bounding massifs. Since formation, this material has been subjected to a variety of cratering, depositional, structural, and possibly volcanic processes. In addition to the investigation of block fields in the valley, our goals included the study of the Camelot- and Steno-age cratering events, the depositional characteristics of the dark floor material, the structural history of the valley floor, and any volcanic features we might encounter.

The block fields concentrated near and in the large craters in the Camelot-Steno area allowed a rather comprehensive investigation of the basalts. The blocks are largely massive, tan to pinkish-gray, coarse-grained, ilmenite basalts generally having a coarsely vesicular texture. Isolated examples of egg-sized vesicles were observed near the crater Bronte. Locally, there is a strong foliation formed by the occurrence of parallel parting planes or fractures (AS17-145-22153). The blocks on the rim of Camelot Crater at station 5 showed parallel layers defined by differences in vesicle concentrations.

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