Category:Archaeological site of Kalamia (Roman Agora of Athens)

English: PLOT "KALAMIA" NORTHEASTERN PART OF THE ROMAN AGORA. This plot known as 'Kalamia' (reeds), due to a former reed basket workshop, preserves remains of the two neighboring and most important Roman monuments of the area, the Roman Agora and the Library of Hadrian, which were separated by a street 10m. wide, running E.-W. At the southern end of the plot, the corner of the Roman Agora's marble-paved courtyard and its northern precinct wall, are preserved. Remains of the late Roman drainage system are visible in the eastern colonnade." - Textː Site marker on Pelopida Street
Français : Site de fouille "Kalamia" au nord-est de l'Agora romaine à Athènes. Ce site, entre les rues d'Hadrien - odos Adrianou - et de Pélops - odos Pelopida, est à cheval entre les deux plus importants vestiges de la zone, la Librairie d'Hadrien et l'Agora romaine. Des vestiges du système romain de drainage sont visibles dans la partie orientale du péristyle, la colonnade qui flanquait le forum sur ses quatre côtés.