Category:Buried adit at Vokounka quarry

  • Čeština: Pokud se po opuštění lomu Vokounka vydá turista nalevo západním směrem pěší cestou podél severní hrany lomu (jako směrem k Řeporyjím) narazí po asi necelých 100 metrech chůze cestou mezi nálety na vstupní portál „zasypané štoly“. Ta by nejspíš (dle polohy) dnes již nevedla do lomu Vokounka, ale spíše do lomu Požáry II.
  • English: If after leaving the Vokounka quarry the tourist goes to the left in a westerly direction along the northern edge of the quarry (as towards Řepory), he will come across the entrance portal of the "buried adit" after about less then 100 metres of walking on the path between the airstrikes. This would probably (according to its location) no longer lead to Vokounka Quarry, but rather to Požáry II Quarry.

Media in category "Buried adit at Vokounka quarry"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.