Category:Burning people after dust explosion at Formosa Fun Coast
Media in category "Burning people after dust explosion at Formosa Fun Coast"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
2016-04-26 VOA surrounded by fire, video.webm 7.4 s, 854 × 480; 1.06 MB
2016-04-26 VOA八仙, 20 seconds before fire, video.webm 29 s, 854 × 480; 6.77 MB
2016-04-26 VOA八仙, fire starts.webm 8.8 s, 854 × 480; 1.2 MB
2016-04-26 VOA八仙, surrounded by fire 1, crop.jpg 727 × 480; 35 KB
2016-04-26 VOA八仙, surrounded by fire 1.jpg 854 × 480; 40 KB
2016-04-26 VOA八仙, surrounded by fire 2.jpg 854 × 480; 40 KB
2016-04-26 VOA八仙, surrounded by fire, merge.jpg 852 × 970; 109 KB