Category:Callowhill Street Bridge


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English: The Callowhill Street Bridge was the third bridge at Upper Ferry in Philadelphia. It replaced Charles Willet Jr.'s "Wire Bridge at Fairmount" in 1875. It was designed by Jacob H. Linville, engineer, and built by the Keystone Bridge Company, 1874–75. A double-decker bridge that carried passengers, vehicles and streetcars on its upper deck and trains (later removed) on its lower level, it was a Whipple truss of cast and wrought iron, 350 feet (110 m) long and 48 feet (15 m) wide. The arches between the decks were decorative and removed circa 1900; the ornate railings were removed by 1910. It was demolished in 1964 for construction of the current Spring Garden Bridge.

Media in category "Callowhill Street Bridge"

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