Category:Campaigne on the Main river

Deutsch: Der Mainfeldzug war ein Teil des Deutschen Krieges von 1866
English: The Campaign on the Main river was a part of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866
<nowiki>Campagna al Meno; Mainfeldzug; Campaña del Meno; Campaign of the Main; Maingo kanpaina; Prusya'nın Main Nehri Harekâtı (1866); Kampania pruska nad Menem; The operations of the Prussian Main Army in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866; Die Operationen der preußischen Main-Armee im Deutschen Krieg von 1866; Prusya "Main Ordusu"nun 1866 Avusturya-Prusya Savaşı'ndaki harekâtları; campaign of the river Main; Main nehri harekâtı</nowiki>
Campaign of the Main 
The operations of the Prussian Main Army in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866
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Start time
  • 1 July 1866
End time
  • 26 July 1866
  • Operations of the Prussian Western Army in the Austro-Prussian war
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