Category:Circle of triads (24-gon in 7 octaves)

All 24 triads interlinked in a circle of seven octaves. Minor triads start and end with blue keys, major triads with red keys.

This is a general category, but currently all or most of its content is in the MTBR image set.

Circles in music theory (12-TET) > Circles of triads
root position inverted

Circle of triads (24-gon in 7 octaves)
Circle of diminished triads (4-gon in 1 octave)

Circle of short inverted triads (6-gon in 2 octaves)
Circle of long inverted triads (8-gon in 3 octaves)
Circle of inverted diminished triads (8-gon in 3 octaves)


Scale circle in thirds (7-gon in 2 octaves)

Scale circle of inverted triads (14-gon in 5 octaves)


This category has only the following subcategory.