Category:Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 2000s

<nowiki>Años 2000 en la República Democrática del Congo; Demokratiska Republiken Kongo under 2000-talet (decennium); années 2000 en République démocratique du Congo; Década de 2000 na República Democrática do Congo; 2000s in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; 2000-åra i Den demokratiske repulikken Kongo; 2000കൾ ഡെമോക്രാറ്റിക് റിപ്പബ്ലിക് ഓഫ് കോംഗോയിൽ; 2000er Jahre in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo; Demokratiska Republiken Kongo-relaterade händelser under 2000-talets första decennium; Democratic Republic of the Congo-related events during the 2000's; gebeurtenis in jaar; 2000s in the DR of the Congo; Genocidio congoleno; 2000er Jahre in der DR Kongo; DR Kongo under 2000-talet (decennium)</nowiki>
2000s in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 
Democratic Republic of the Congo-related events during the 2000's
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Media in category "Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 2000s"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.