Category:Fayum mummy portrait (CM-000-R-000E-1)

The complete inventory number of this object is: Berlin Antikensammlung 31161/41

Mummy portrait of a boy with juvenile curl of hair. From Roman tomb in the Fajjum Oasis (Egypt). Encaustic on wood, 225-250 AD. Altes Museum Berlin (Antikensammlung Berlin).

According to the description in the museum, it is Inv. 31161.5, but this is also indicated for another item (bearded man).

Suggested classification of Faiyum mummy portraits CM-000-R-000E-1 Age & gender: Adult (A), Child (C); Male (M), Female (F), Not identifiable (N) Hair status: Beard (B), moustache (M), no Grey hair (G), bold (B), Face direction by biggest ear: right (R), left (L) , neutral (N) crown of Justification: yes (C), Jewls: Yes (J) Writing: Yes (W) Extras: (E) Serial numbering: to collect various photos in one category [[Category:]]