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English: Finance
academic discipline studying businesses, financing, investments and protection of economic value | |||||
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This category has the following 51 subcategories, out of 51 total.
- Financial dividends (33 F)
- Insolvency (3 F)
- Wealth management (11 F)
- 2023 in finance (14 F)
Media in category "Finance"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 216 total.
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(YMO) Yıllık Maliyet Oranı Hesaplama Formülü - Hesapkurdu.jpg 750 × 458; 51 KB
1901-USDA-DivStat-SecFrgnMkts.jpg 3,208 × 827; 292 KB
2024 Foreign exchange reserves of China.png 1,010 × 371; 33 KB
5-bank asset concentration for United States.png 500 × 500; 20 KB
789Mr le Depanneur2.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 11 pages; 476 KB
9 types of assets and examples.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 231 KB
Activa.ogg 35 s; 375 KB
Activity.png 1,365 × 623; 43 KB
AD Table1.jpg 309 × 274; 35 KB
AD Table2(2).jpg 685 × 299; 108 KB
Adaptiertes APV.jpg 669 × 219; 44 KB
Agent flow upd.JPG 556 × 142; 12 KB
Altman modelinin formulası.png 1,236 × 648; 121 KB
Andamentotrevi.png 1,557 × 680; 24 KB
Anhang2.pdf 1,239 × 1,752; 93 KB
Approche méthodologique du système (modèle) de saine gestion.jpg 902 × 685; 116 KB
Articulo publicado Santa Cruz--Hernandez.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 37 pages; 943 KB
As of August 2021, QFII Qualification Statistics.svg 3,349 × 1,275; 28 KB
AçığaSatış (finans).png 742 × 514; 45 KB
Balance general.jpg 755 × 590; 103 KB
Barter System 01.png 1,261 × 829; 193 KB
Barter System process.png 1,261 × 785; 192 KB
Benefits-and-Drawbacks-of-Algorithmic-Trading.png 875 × 661; 91 KB
Beratungsinhalte.jpg 741 × 392; 102 KB
Bereiche des Finanzrisikomanagements.png 720 × 540; 9 KB
Berkshire Hathaway's Dual Class Structure as of 2022.png 966 × 464; 81 KB
Billing Address 2.jpg 2,514 × 1,203; 157 KB
Billing Address Shop Pay.png 2,523 × 1,174; 112 KB
Billing Address.png 2,514 × 1,203; 112 KB
Bloomberg Terminal and keyboard.JPG 3,264 × 2,448; 2.69 MB
Bond-vs-Debentures.jpg 700 × 500; 98 KB
Bookkeeping-Back of Check Stubs.png 352 × 262; 6 KB
Bookkeeping-Indorsements.png 229 × 416; 8 KB
Bookkeeping-Signature Card.png 557 × 315; 10 KB
Bozumcubey.png 1,189 × 312; 51 KB
Brain drain.PNG 516 × 455; 16 KB
Brasetz.png 300 × 450; 64 KB
Brierscore Bemmann.png 961 × 257; 12 KB
Business arrangement request Coupa.pdf 2,000 × 1,125; 94 KB
Butstrep metodu.png 665 × 132; 18 KB
Butterflycall.jpg 960 × 720; 35 KB
Butterflyput.jpg 960 × 720; 35 KB
Cartographie.jpg 391 × 136; 12 KB
Cash cycle.jpg 582 × 362; 77 KB
Cash Flow Projection Small.png 445 × 400; 137 KB
Cash Flow Projection.png 1,157 × 559; 115 KB
Cash flows for LGFV.png 2,224 × 1,362; 175 KB
Cereals CrudeOil.png 867 × 279; 45 KB
Cfd-infografica.png 1,204 × 1,180; 199 KB
Chapter-wide Financial Report (1).pdf 1,500 × 843, 41 pages; 11.28 MB
Chart 5 - Mathematical ROI Function.png 576 × 627; 25 KB
CM,VM,TM comparison.jpg 1,520 × 750; 321 KB
Comparison of two projects by their net present values.svg 593 × 345; 34 KB
Concepto Inductor de Valor .jpg 3,899 × 1,766; 471 KB
Confirming.jpg 450 × 259; 23 KB
Conseil Patrimonial - France Patrimonial.png 356 × 1,624; 86 KB
Constant product formula.png 1,420 × 802; 419 KB
Corruption in our system.jpg 1,919 × 1,079; 297 KB
CPPI portfelinin formulu.png 1,389 × 181; 43 KB
Crypto Composite home page.png 1,000 × 403; 101 KB
CSHR.PNG 518 × 100; 6 KB
Current Ratio equation with Polish text.png 432 × 100; 5 KB
Datenquellen IPV Bemmann.png 743 × 359; 14 KB
Dati finanziari Cegeka.png 1,323 × 731; 153 KB
David Rubenstein speaking to students at AIC 2017.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 5.71 MB
DCTI Diagramm CleanTech RGB.jpg 1,552 × 938; 406 KB
De Viti De Marco - Principii di economia finanziaria, 1934 - 5735415.tif 2,581 × 3,754; 27.77 MB
DebtR.PNG 432 × 100; 4 KB
Defizit- (Leistungsbilanz-) Bremse.png 969 × 420; 35 KB
Den inneren Wert einer Aktie berechnen.jpg 800 × 1,871; 119 KB
Deryvatyvy.png 662 × 178; 4 KB
Diagram of LGFV interactions.png 2,706 × 1,516; 388 KB
Diskont dərəcəsi formula.png 740 × 153; 19 KB
Diskontlaşdırılmış pul axını formulu.png 739 × 181; 19 KB
Dow jones daily close logged.png 970 × 727; 18 KB
DS flow chart- running spread flow GERMAN.svg 515 × 103; 2 KB
EJEMPLO DE TRABAJO DE MIA CON ERRORES 2.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 40 pages; 1.5 MB
El sistema financiero debe titularizar.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 61 KB
Enterprise Value Seppelfricke.png 628 × 945; 68 KB
Enveloppe spaarbankboekje1.jpg 3,485 × 1,393; 823 KB
Enveloppe spaarbankboekje2.jpg 3,002 × 1,478; 842 KB
Esg.png 1,200 × 401; 446 KB
Esquema balanç banc.png 870 × 433; 219 KB
Exchange rate arrangements map.png 6,399 × 3,246; 1.58 MB
Exter.png 876 × 876; 166 KB
Fed funds rate vs. 1, 5 and 30 year Treasury rates.png 1,319 × 466; 78 KB
Fibonacci retracement.png 1,370 × 1,478; 170 KB
Fig6 ProjectsSupported.gif 2,197 × 918; 62 KB
Fig8 LinkingCWSRF.jpg 2,157 × 1,306; 142 KB
Finance analytics over coffee (Unsplash).jpg 6,000 × 4,004; 8.53 MB
Financial Report 2013.pdf 1,650 × 1,275, 4 pages; 173 KB
Financial Report By NorthSouth.pdf 1,650 × 1,275, 2 pages; 63 KB
Financial Report.pdf 1,650 × 1,275, 4 pages; 157 KB
Financialintermediation.png 547 × 232; 15 KB
Fractional reserve banking.png 1,633 × 703; 133 KB
Franquicia.png 931 × 330; 250 KB
FReport-Beeline-Uzbekistan.jpg 680 × 502; 85 KB
Generationenberatung.jpg 688 × 381; 81 KB
Getahun lijalem.jpg 640 × 960; 348 KB
Gold Standard.png 1,308 × 461; 14 KB
Handel mit Devisen.gif 491 × 637; 9 KB
Hedge fund structure terminology.jpg 1,280 × 720; 80 KB
IFS IPO - 30 June 1993.jpg 1,170 × 826; 120 KB
Illustration-of-New-Lease-Accounting-TRIRIGA.jpg 673 × 517; 122 KB
IMH SOCIETE ANONYME.jpg 934 × 1,263; 131 KB
IMPETUS capital.webp 340 × 340; 4 KB
Inductores de valor y categorias.jpg 3,332 × 898; 284 KB
Informer-kurs-zolota-100-160.png 160 × 100; 4 KB
Infosys journey.png 676 × 1,536; 247 KB
Initial Uniswap token allocation.png 4,524 × 2,928; 173 KB
Inversionistas pantalla.jpg 2,026 × 1,334; 287 KB
IPO Landing Page.jpg 1,886 × 822; 205 KB
IRSflows.png 426 × 114; 11 KB
JCurve.jpg 812 × 447; 94 KB
Kapitálová primeranosť (Basel I - dodatok).png 331 × 47; 763 bytes
Kapitálová primeranosť (Basel I).png 331 × 47; 775 bytes
Kapitálová primeranosť (Basel II).png 331 × 47; 803 bytes
Kiss indicator interface.jpg 390 × 639; 24 KB
Kontingenztabelle Bemmann.png 976 × 375; 20 KB
LDCementXRDOnline.JPG 1,752 × 1,170; 262 KB
Libility transform.jpg 720 × 540; 52 KB
Liquidity Pools in Uniswap.png 1,161 × 766; 85 KB
Lisenz2015.jpg 572 × 513; 116 KB
Local Wealth Fund or Urban Wealth Fund.webp 4,102 × 2,079; 181 KB
Madrid, Carrera de San Jerónimo 05.tif 1,066 × 1,600; 9.77 MB
Mapa bolsas de productos.jpg 500 × 625; 60 KB
Mapa oddzialow open finance.jpg 1,845 × 1,830; 1.02 MB
Mariana-yaed.jpg 952 × 433; 50 KB
Markovits modeli.jpg 478 × 167; 42 KB
Matthias-weik-public-speaking.jpg 1,600 × 1,066; 233 KB
Maxkeisertoronto.jpg 2,048 × 1,123; 125 KB
MEF Uruguay.jpg 3,430 × 4,298; 7.75 MB
MENA.png 700 × 400; 86 KB
Meta trader 4 TMGM platform.png 1,423 × 754; 453 KB
Mirror Films Stock Advertisement.jpg 883 × 731; 170 KB
MTMXCS.png 668 × 376; 51 KB
Multi-PM hedge fund organizational chart.png 1,280 × 720; 27 KB
Multi-pm hedge fund organizational chart.svg 1,280 × 720; 14 KB
Nfe.png 730 × 912; 118 KB
NIFTY Next 50 Returns Graph.png 1,349 × 438; 36 KB
NotaCST.png 1,280 × 803; 305 KB
OctopusScreenshot1.jpg 2,798 × 2,052; 1.31 MB
OctopusScreenshot2.jpg 4,000 × 2,919; 1.4 MB
OctopusScreenshot3.jpg 4,270 × 3,783; 1.44 MB
OctopusScreenshot4.jpg 3,381 × 2,649; 738 KB
Opeb.png 1,314 × 1,136; 254 KB
Panchaud Pamphlet 1781.jpg 684 × 1,048; 87 KB
Paper money.png 1,803 × 967; 167 KB
Paper rabbit.jpg 1,199 × 866; 224 KB
PayCashSwap Interface.png 1,108 × 749; 331 KB
Pokladnica.png 979 × 269; 18 KB
Polficx Mikro Kredi Çözümleri.png 1,080 × 1,080; 122 KB
Prediction market - example GUI - 2.gif 802 × 407; 32 KB
Prediction market - example GUI.gif 800 × 600; 45 KB
PredictPlanner-sector-rotation-model.png 666 × 482; 267 KB
Raport płacowy.png 1,274 × 2,048; 150 KB
Recherche de personnes France Patrimonial.png 114 × 114; 10 KB
Reguladores.jpg 546 × 168; 13 KB
Rentaihosyou.jpg 526 × 474; 30 KB
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold ca.png 1,407 × 632; 37 KB
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold.PNG 1,800 × 820; 146 KB
Retraite France Patrimonial.png 520 × 560; 37 KB
Rozdeleni financnich trhu.jpg 720 × 540; 56 KB
RWZ.png 1,014 × 1,225; 58 KB
Répartition valeur ajoutée France.png 1,036 × 697; 44 KB
Schlusskurse T-Aktie 1997 2003.svg 3,522 × 1,873; 43 KB
Selected 5-year CDS.png 970 × 604; 38 KB
Senkou a.PNG 1,227 × 596; 37 KB
Senkou b.PNG 1,231 × 591; 57 KB
Series.jpg 675 × 352; 43 KB
Simple Financial Model.png 1,100 × 571; 123 KB
Spaarbankboekje binnenzijde.jpg 2,384 × 1,688; 1.09 MB
Spaarbankboekje cover.jpg 2,382 × 1,677; 1 MB
Span.PNG 1,226 × 592; 44 KB
Swapsepj.jpg 457 × 376; 13 KB
Tablet 2 DM-ss 2015.jpg 696 × 444; 57 KB
Tablet DM 2015.jpg 575 × 535; 134 KB
Terminology (Hedg fund structure).png 1,280 × 720; 28 KB
Terminology.svg 1,280 × 720; 6 KB
Testing analytic.jpg 800 × 600; 69 KB
Testing55.jpg 2,560 × 1,294; 257 KB
The organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Poland.svg 1,123 × 794; 330 KB
The Republic exhibition - NM Prague 37.JPG 2,136 × 2,848; 2.98 MB
The republic of Finland. An economic and financial survey (1920) (14577681429).jpg 2,450 × 3,348; 2.36 MB
The republic of Finland. An economic and financial survey (1920) (14761156091).jpg 2,452 × 3,427; 1.63 MB
The republic of Finland. An economic and financial survey (1920) (14761969954).jpg 2,460 × 3,284; 1.28 MB
The republic of Finland. An economic and financial survey (1920) (14761972824).jpg 2,448 × 3,388; 1.78 MB
Top 10 ITR Filing Documents.jpg 1,080 × 1,224; 115 KB
Tpl.GIF 839 × 506; 9 KB
Trs1.jpg 960 × 720; 51 KB
TVL (for DeFi).png 1,200 × 476; 394 KB
Types of 800 × 2,000; 144 KB
UK Government spending for 2023-24.png 1,514 × 1,130; 217 KB
UNI 4 Year Release Schedule.png 4,524 × 2,928; 309 KB
Uniswap Governance web application interface.png 1,377 × 836; 176 KB
Uniswap's web application interface (December 2024).png 1,900 × 940; 636 KB
US federal outlays-pct of GDP.svg 630 × 630; 44 KB