Category:Göteborg in the 1830s
Media in category "Göteborg in the 1830s"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
ACHENBACH(1836) p139 GÖTHEBORG.jpg 1,843 × 1,287; 1.73 MB
Meyers Universum Band 06 01.jpg 3,909 × 2,847; 5.48 MB
Oil painting, oljemålning-Carl Samuel Graffman - Göteborgs stadsmuseum - GM 1446.bild2.tif 4,356 × 2,905; 36.23 MB
Print, grafisk bild-okänd - Göteborgs stadsmuseum - GMA 3716.tif 5,196 × 3,368; 50.09 MB
Watercolour, akvarell-Adolf Prytz - Göteborgs stadsmuseum - GSM 010002bild3.tif 5,315 × 3,291; 50.07 MB
Meyer’s Universum Bd. 6. 1839 (138496100).jpg 4,452 × 3,237; 13.86 MB