Category:Geographicae Enarrationis Libri VIII

Geographicae Enarrationis Libri VIII
A printed atlas created by Laurent Fries (c. 1485-1532) and Johannes Grüninger. It was published in 1522 and 1525 by Johann Koberger of Strasbourg. After the deaths of Fries and Grüninger it was published twice more under the editorship of Michael Servetus: 1535 by Melchior et Gaspar Treschel Fratres of Lyon and in 1541 by just Treschel in Vienne, Isère. Although he made omissions of some of the text, especially concerning the Holy Land, branded as heretical by Calvinism, the Servetus editions suffered near total loss by immolation. Servetus was immolated in 1553. Fries created the first edition by reduction of the maps published in Martin Waldseemüller's Geographie opus novissima of 1513, printed by Johann Schott in Strasbourg. The woodcuts were then used for all the other editions. The 1541 edition is divided into two parts, Ptolemaic (descriptione Ptolemaei) and based on Ptolemy (ab eo quem Ptolemaeus posuit). The first part is a translation of Ptolemy's work from Greek to Latin by Willibald Pirckheimer followed by Fries' rendition of the usual 27 Tabulae of Ptolemy, including the world map, which he called Typus orbis descriptione Ptolemaei. The second part begins with Tabula terrae noua, a map of the Atlantic showing the east coast of the Terra Nova, both continents, and Greenland. This map has been termed "the Admiral Map" because in a note it rejects Americus as the first discoverer in favor of Columbus. The 20 Tabulae Novae that follow are Ptolemaic but with improvements according to the geography of the times. The subsequent world map, Tabula noua totius orbis is followed by Tabula orbis cum descriptione ventorum, "world map with description of the winds", which features the directions of prevailing winds. Various copies of these maps are held by various owners. High-resolution images of them all can be found at RAREATLASES.

Media in category "Geographicae Enarrationis Libri VIII"

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