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town in Kleve District, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
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Instance of
  • medium-sized district town
  • urban municipality in Germany
LocationKleve, Düsseldorf Government Region, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Head of government
  • Ulrich Knickrehm (2015–)
  • 35,520 (2023)
  • 115.43 km² (2017)
Elevation above sea level
  • 18 m
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official website
Map51° 41′ 02″ N, 6° 09′ 43″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q16006
VIAF cluster ID: 158710860
GND ID: 4021402-3
Library of Congress authority ID: nr88009245
NL CR AUT ID: ge672221
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 167969
OpenStreetMap node ID: 31408921
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