Category:Grave MünchmeyerFamily at FriedhofOhlsdorf

Grave area for German Münchmeyer family at Hamburg cemetery Friedhof Ohlsdorf, located map AA 19 (Waldstaße/Stiller Weg). The rondeel like stone wall, constructed by German architect Carl Bensel in 1920, is dominated by a Doric column (about 6 m high) in the middle, with a female sculpture on top, probably by German sculptor Oscar (Oskar) Ulmer.
Memorial slabs to members of the Münchmeyer / Schröder family are semicirculary arranged around this central point.
For further details: Barbara Leisner, Heiko K. L. Schulze, Ellen Thormann: Der Hamburger Hauptfriedhof Ohlsdorf. Geschichte und Grabmäler, Verlag Hans Christians, Hamburg 1990, ISBN 3-7672-1060-6, Seite 134, Kat. 910.