Category:Gustav-Adolf-Kirche Leoben

Deutsch: Evangelische Pfarrkirche A.B., Gustav-Adolf-Kirche, und Evang. Pfarrhaus in Leoben, erbaut von 1908 bis 1909
Object location47° 23′ 09.83″ N, 15° 05′ 31.32″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo
  This category shows the protected monument with the number 89268 in Austria. (Commons, de, Wikidata) Upload more media to this category
<nowiki>Evang. Pfarrkirche Leoben; Gustav-Adolf-Kirche Leoben; church building in Leoben, Austria; Kirche in Leoben (89268); kerkgebouw in Oostenrijk; Evang. Pfarrkirche A.B., Gustav-Adolf-Kirche; Gustav-Adolf-Kirche Leoben</nowiki>
Gustav-Adolf-Kirche Leoben 
church building in Leoben, Austria
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Instance of
LocationLeoben, Leoben District, Styria, Austria
Street address
  • Ignaz Buchmüller-Platz 3
Heritage designation
Date of official opening
  • 1909
Map47° 23′ 09.83″ N, 15° 05′ 31.32″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q38140082
VIAF cluster ID: 6146635508141980554
Heritage Information System ID in the database of cultural heritage in Austria: 75762
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