Category:Historic districts on the National Register of Historic Places

<nowiki>distrikt NRHP; این آر ایچ پی ضلع; district au NRHP; раён НРГМ; district; districte; NRHP-Distrikt; NRHP district; distrito; NRHP-distrikt; distretto del NRHP; distrito del RNLH; categoría de propiedad / recurso en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos; districte històric inscrit al National Register of Historic Places dels Estats Units; type de bien inscrit au National Register of Historic Places; катэгорыя ўласьцівасьці ў Нацыянальным рэгістры гістарычных мясьцінаў ЗЎА; property/resource category in the US National Register of Historic Places; kategori i USAs nationella register för historiska platser; kategorija nepremičnine/virov v nacionalnem registru zgodovinskih krajev ZDA; Kategorie Eigentum/Ressourcen im US National Register of Historic Places; zgodovinski distrikt; National Register Historic District; district historique; district inscrit au NRHP; district inscrit au National Register of Historic Places; Registre Nacional de Districtes Històrics; National Register Historic District; Rexistro Nacional de Distritos Históricos; National Register Historic District; historic district; district listed on the National Register of Historic Places; district; National Register of Historic Places district; раён NRHP; historisch district op National Register of Historic Places</nowiki>
NRHP district 
property/resource category in the US National Register of Historic Places
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Instance of
  • heritage designation
Subclass of
  • National Register property and resource category
Part of
  • list of National Register property and resource categories
Facet of
  • United States
Applies to jurisdiction
Has part(s)
  • National Register of Historic Places contributing property
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Media in category "Historic districts on the National Register of Historic Places"

The following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total.