Category:Ichikawa Sumizō III

  • 市川三太郎 → 四代目市川高麗蔵(高麗屋)→ 三代目市川新蔵(成田屋)→ 中山錦車 → 二代目中山富三郎(大見屋)→ 三代目市川壽美蔵(成田屋)
  • Ichikawa Santarō → Ichikawa Komazō IV → Ichikawa Shinzō III → Nakayama Kinsha → Nakayama Tomisaburō II → Ichikawa Sumizō III (1793–1837)
  • Used name Ichikawa Komazō from the 11th lunar month of 1801 to the 10th lunar month of 1810
  • Used name Ichikawa Shinzō from the 11th lunar month of 1810 to the 10th lunar month of 1822
  • Used name Nakayama Kinsha from the 11th lunar month of 1822 to the 10th lunar month of 1823
  • Used name Nakayama Tomisaburō from the 11th lunar month of 1823 to the 8th lunar month of 1830
  • Used name Ichikawa Sumizō from the 8th lunar month of 1830 to the 2nd lunar month of 1837

Media in category "Ichikawa Sumizō III"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.