Category:Japanese Relocation, 1942

  • Farm Security Administration photo series by Russell Lee (Lot 293)
  • Fleischhauer, Carl, and Beverly W. Brannan, eds., Documenting America, 1935–1943, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988; pp. 240–251.
  • Densho Encyclopedia:
    "Between April and August of 1942, Lee shot nearly 600 images of Japanese Americans in California, Oregon, and Idaho. His work began in Los Angeles County in April, where he photographed individuals and families making final preparations on their farms and businesses before their forced removals. He then photographed people with their luggage at the train stations en route to the Santa Anita Assembly Center as well as producing shots of the center."

Media in category "Japanese Relocation, 1942"

The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total.