Category:Les vies des femmes célèbres d'Antoine Dufour

Les vies des femmes célèbres d'Antoine Dufour, 1504, Nantes, musée Dobrée (ms. XVII)

The ornate manuscript presented to Anne of Brittany by Antoine Dufour. Written in 1504, the manuscript was then illuminated by Jean Pichore, Parisian artist, by 1506. Dufour's Text is a 91 bio, a translation via compilation at least of two Latin sources from Italy: Boccaccio's De mulieribus Claris (ca. 1362) and Jacopo Filippo Foresti da Bergamo's Deplurimis claris selectisque mulieribus, a Latin adaptation of Boccaccio's work, published in Ferrara in 1497, and again in 1521 [1].

Media in category "Les vies des femmes célèbres d'Antoine Dufour"

The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.