Category:Link Piano Company


  • Glenn Thoma. LINK AX ORCHESTRION - Coin-Operated Nickelodeons. The Nickelodeon House.
    "LINK AX ORCHESTRION The Link Piano Co. was founded in Binghamton, NY in 1913. ... In the early years, Link coin pianos were mainly of the keyboard type.  Most contained a piano, mandolin, and a set of flute pipes.. By the early 1920's, pipes were mostly replaced by a  xylophone, primarily to avoid the need for a seperate pressure system to drive the pipes in addition to the normal vacuum system. ... Link pianos were unusual in that  they utilized the endless roll system. ... "
  • Norman O. Keim (9 June 2008) "History / The Roaring Twenties / New York State Theater Organ Manufacturers" in Our Movie Houses - A History of Film and Cinematic Innovation in Central New York, Syracuse University Press, p. 53−54 ISBN: 978-0-8156-0896-7.
    "​ A more reliable, if more expensive, choice was another upstate manufacturer, the Link Piano Company of Binghamton, which was known mainly for its pianos and its automatic instruments, including traditional player pianos and “orchestriong,” which were machines that imitated entire orchestras. Link manufactured approximately one hundred theater organs between 1925 and 1929. After the stock market crash, Edwin Link, Sr., the company's founder, retired. His sons Edwin, Jr., and George took charge of the company, redirecting it toward making flight simulators used for training pilots. Other theater organ manufactures located in upstate cities included Barnes and Buhl (Utica), Beman (Binghamton), Carey (Troy), Delaware (Tonawanda), Hope-Jones (Elmira), Kohn (Rochester), and Schickler (Buffalo). Downstate organ producers included Midmer-Mosh (Merrick, Long Island) and Roosevelt (New York City)."
  • Q. David Bowers (1966) Put Another Nickel in - A History of Coin-operated Pianos and Orchestrions, Vestal Press, p. 224 ISBN: 978-0-517-13665-2.
    "​... Link, son of E. A. Link (founder of the Link Piano Company) holds a portable keyboard which was originally used ... "


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