Category:Luck decrees a victory for the sophist at Olympia

English: The base of the victor statue mentioning luck as a cause is located in the northeast corner of the central court of the palaestra at Olympia, aligned with the inscription facing south toward the open space. The pedestal has a larger footing and larger statue rest. Writing is observable on the edge of the rest but it is mainly obscured; in any case, no one counts it as part of inscription IvO 476, which is located below the stature rest: ΑΓΑΘΗ ΤΥΧΗ ΔΟΓΜΑΤΙ ΤΗΣ ΟΛΥΜΠ[Ι]ΚΗΣ ΒΌΥΛΗΣ ΦΛ ΦΙΛΟΣΤΡΑΤΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΟΝ ΤΟΝ ΣΟΦΙΣΤΗ[Ν] Η ΛΑΜΠΡΟΤΑΤΗ ΠΑΤΡΙΣ ♥, "By good luck and the decree of the Olympic committee, his most brilliant native city (honors) Fl. Philostratus, the Athenian sophist." A sophist was an educator in a special field. The victor is believed to have been Flavius Philostratus, ancient author. The contest and the method of judgement remain obscure, but, like the civics award, it was undoubtedly not athletic and not for anything done at Olympia except judgement.

Media in category "Luck decrees a victory for the sophist at Olympia"

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