Category:Maps created by DemocracyATwork

Ukrainian parliamentary election, 2007


The collection of images below provide a graphical representation of the 2006 and 2007 Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections.

All data is derived from the published official results provided by the Ukrainian Authority (See links to source and data tables below)

It is important when analysing the information presented that the user notes that the information is based on National results and also as a percentage of the regional tally as provided by the Ukrainian Electoral Committee.

The swing analysis charts are based on the comparison of the 2006 to 2007 election results.

The carts are designed to show a correct correlation between each party and region by means of charts and color shaded maps. It is best that both maps and charts are displayed together.

Whilst we have produced a set of regional party maps based on the percentage of each region we recommend that editors use the maps based on the total national vote when providing comparisons between regions as this information is more statistically accurate and does not introduce a statical bias in the information presented.

Analysis comments


In 2006, 27% of the registered votes represented support for minor parties that received less than the 3% statutory representation threshold. In 2007 the number of voters that supported minor parties that received less than the 3% statutory threshold (Including the Socialist Party of Ukraine (2.86%) was only 7%. The 20% difference showed a consolidation of voters support towards major political parties. This fact needs to be taken into consideration when making assessments as to positive Swing in Bloc Yulia Tymochenko, Party of Regions, The Communist Party of Ukraine and Bloc Lytvyn. The Our Ukraine bloc merged with the new Party "People's Self-Defence" but only recorded a marginal gain in the overall percentage of the vote representing a reduction of 236,964 votes in comparison with the 2006 data.

Further review of the regional vote shows a consideration of the vote by Yulia Tymoshenko in regions in which here party already maintained strong support. Apart from the Socialist Party of Ukraine and a marginal gain by Our Ukraine all major Political parties recorded an increase in the percentage the voter support when comparing 2006 to 2007 results.

The other factor that needs to also be considered is that in 2006 the participation rate was 67% and in 2007 the participation rate dropped down to 62%.



Charts 2007

Results of the parliamentary elections:
Political alignment 2007
Political alignment 2007
Vote percentage 2006 to 2007 (Top Six parties)
Vote percentage 2006 to 2007 (Top Six parties)
Swing 2006 to 2007 (Top Six parties)

A swing analysis is common in any election. It shows the change in voter percentage for each party by regions from 2006 to 2007.

Maps 2007

Maps showing the top six parties support - percentage of total national vote
Party of Regions results (34.37%)
Party of Regions results (34.37%)
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (30.71%
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (30.71%
Our Ukraine People's Self-Defence results (14.15%)
Our Ukraine People's Self-Defence results (14.15%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (5.39%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (5.39%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (3.96%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (3.96%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (2.86%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (2.86%)

Maps showing the top six parties support - percentage of total national vote (minimal text)
Party of Regions results (34.37%)
Party of Regions results (34.37%)
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (30.71%
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (30.71%
Our Ukraine People's Self-Defence results (14.15%)
Our Ukraine People's Self-Defence results (14.15%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (5.39%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (5.39%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (3.96%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (3.96%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (2.86%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (2.86%)

Maps showing the top six parties support - percentage per region
Party of Regions results (34.37%)
Party of Regions results (34.37%)
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (30.71%
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (30.71%
Our Ukraine People's Self-Defence results (14.15%)
Our Ukraine People's Self-Defence results (14.15%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (5.39%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (5.39%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (3.96%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (3.96%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (2.86%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (2.86%)

Charts 2006

Results of the parliamentary elections:
Political alignment 2006
Political alignment 2006
Vote percentage 2006(Top seven parties)
Vote percentage 2006(Top seven parties)
Results by region (Top Five parties)

Maps 2006

Highest vote by party per region - Percentage of total national vote
Highest vote by party per region - Percentage of total national vote
Maps showing the highest vote by party per region - percentage of total national vote
Maps showing the top six parties support - percentage of total national vote (verbose text)
Party of Regions results (32.14%)
Party of Regions results (32.14%)
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (22.29%
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (22.29%
Our Ukraine results (13.95%)
Our Ukraine results (13.95%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (3.66%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (3.66%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (2.44%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (2.44%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (5.69%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (5.69%)

Maps showing the top six parties support - percentage of total national vote (minimal text)
Party of Regions results (32.14%)
Party of Regions results (32.14%)
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (22.29%
Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko results (22.29%
Our Ukraine results (13.95%)
Our Ukraine results (13.95%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (3.66%)
Communist Party of Ukraine results (3.66%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (2.44%)
Bloc Lytvyn Party results (2.44%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (5.69%)
Socialist Party of Ukraine results (5.69%)

Data tables


Regional results 2007

Highest vote per region (Percentage by national vote)
Results by electoral region (Percentage by national total vote)
Vote (Percentage by electoral region)
Swing 2006 to 2007 (Percentage by electoral regions)
Region Voter enrolment Turn-out % PoR BYuT OU-PSD CPU BL SPU
Ukraine 37,185,882 62.70 34.4 30.7 14.2 5.4 4.0 2.9
Eastern 63.8 66.5 7.5 3.4 7.3 2.2 4.9
Donetsk Oblast 3,620,888 66.0 76.0 4.5 2.0 6.8 1.0 1.3
Luhansk Oblast 1,898,637 66.3 73.5 5.1 1.7 8.5 2.4 1.3
Kharkiv Oblast 2,282,993 58.3 49.6 16.4 8.1 8.3 4.6 2.6
Southern 57.0 54.6 13.6 6.5 7.7 4.6 3.4
Autonomous Republic of Crimea 1,568,070 55.8 61.0 6.9 8.2 7.6 3.9 1.9
Zaporizhia Oblast 1,515,832 61.4 55.5 14.7 4.7 8.3 5.5 2.3
Mykolaiv Oblast 971,038 57.6 54.4 16.6 5.8 7.2 4.5 1.9
Odesa Oblast 1,851,868 54.5 52.2 13.7 6.5 6.2 5.1 7.2
Kherson Oblast 893,442 55.5 43.2 23.1 9.1 9.1 3.7 2.5
[[m. Sevastopol}Sevastopol']] 308,928 59.7 64.5 5.0 2.3 10.3 2.5 2.7
Center 60.5 30.6 34.8 11.8 6.4 4.7 2.4
Vinnytsia Oblast 1,342,608 64.5 12.6 50.0 18.6 5.0 3.1 2.5
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast 2,810,168 58.9 48.7 20.8 6.2 7.6 5.0 1.3
Kirovohrad Oblast 614,832 57.9 27.0 37.6 11.7 6.4 5.5 2.8
Poltava Oblast 1250,952 61.9 24.8 37.9 14.5 6.5 4.9 3.0
Cherkasy Oblast 1,095,058 60.1 15.5 47.0 15.3 4.9 4.9 4.3
Northern 62.5 16.7 45.5 16.1 4.9 5.7 2.1
Zhytomyr Oblast 1,044,852 62.5 22.4 37.0 15.1 5.8 8.3 2.5
Kyiv Oblast 1,679,197 61.9 13.0 53.4 15.1 3.0 5.1 2.2
Sumy Oblast 990,575 62.0 15.7 44.5 20.8 5.8 3.3 2.0
Chernihiv Oblast 939,072 61.8 20.7 41.9 14.9 6.7 4.2 2.9
Kyiv 2,151,576 63.5 15.0 46.2 15.8 4.6 6.6 1.6
Western 68.4 8.3 48.9 29.1 1.8 3.2 1.6
Volyn Oblast 801,557 71.0 6.7 57.6 20.0 2.7 4.6 1.9
Zakarpattia Oblast 946,525 52.1 19.8 28.9 31.1 1.8 6.0 3.5
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast 1,080,296 72.6 3.0 50.7 36.8 0.8 1.0 0.8
Lviv Oblast 2,002,372 73.9 4.2 50.4 36.0 1.0 1.1 0.6
Rivne Oblast 865,092 68.7 10.4 51.0 20.8 2.4 6.1 2.1
Ternopil Oblast 870,214 76.5 3.0 51.6 35.2 0.7 1.6 1.1
Khmelnytsky Oblast 1,083,968 66.3 14.1 48.2 18.4 4.0 6.6 1.7
Chernivtsi Oblast 705,272 58.2 16.8 46.2 20.3 2.3 2.5 3.8
Foreign Embassies 431,142 6.0 26.5 33.1 25.5 1.6 2.3 1.2

National results 2007

[discuss] – [edit]
Summary of the 30 September 2007 Verkhovna Rada election results
Parties and blocs Votes % Seats   
Party of Regions (Партія регіонів) 8,013,895 34.37 175   +11 (186)
Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc (Блок Юлії Тимошенко) 7,162,193 30.71 156   +27 (129)
Our Ukraine–People's Self-Defense Bloc (Блок Наша Україна–Народна Самооборона) 3,301,282 14.15 72   –9 (81)
Communist Party of Ukraine (Комуністична партія України) 1,257,291 5.39 27   +6 (21)
Lytvyn Bloc (Блок Литвина) 924,538 3.96 20   +20 (0)
Socialist Party of Ukraine (Соціалістична партія України) 668,234 2.86   0 (–33)
Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Прогресивна соціалістична партія України) 309,008 1.32
All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom" (Всеукраїнське об'єднання "Свобода") 178,660 0.76
Party of Greens of Ukraine (Партія Зелених України) 94,505 0.40
Electoral Bloc of Liudmyla Suprun – Ukrainian Regional Asset (Виборчий блок Людмили Супрун — Український регіональний актив) 80,944 0.34
Communist Party of Ukraine (renewed) (Комуністична партія України (оновлена)) 68,602 0.29
Party of Free Democrats (Партія Вільних Демократів) 50,852 0.21
Bloc of the Party of Pensioners of Ukraine (Блок партії пенсіонерів України) 34,845 0.14
Party of National Economic Development of Ukraine (Партія національно-економічного розвитку України) 33,489 0.14
Ukrainian People's Bloc (Український Народний Блок) 28,414 0.12
Peasants' Bloc "Agrarian Ukraine" (Селянський Блок "Аграрна Україна") 25,675 0.11
Christian Bloc (Християнський блок) 24,597 0.10
Electoral Bloc of Political Parties "KUCHMA" (Виборчий блок політичних партій «КУЧМА») 23,676 0.10
Bloc "All-Ukrainian Community" (Блок "Всеукраїнська громада") 12,327 0.05
All-Ukrainian Party of People's Trust (Всеукраїнська партія Народної Довіри) 5,342 0.02
Against all 637,185 2.73
Invalid ballot papers 379,658 1.62
Total (turnout 62.02%) 23,315,257 100 450
Source: Central Election Commission of Ukraine (English)

Regional results 2006

Region Voter enrolment Turn-out % PoR BYuT OU SPU CPU BL
Ukraine 37163136 69.80 8145676 5650344 3537977 1443827 929174 619661
DonetskDonetsk Oblast 60.89 1850729 62138 35456 94256 79062 8886
Luhansk Oblast 61.09 1003435 50109 27669 15848 59887 9891
Kharkiv Oblast 56.7 765901 187900 87644 40764 67676 34418
Autonomous Republic of Crimea 54.34 585209 66067 76956 11926 45800 14012
Zaporizhia Oblast 59.45 519291 110934 53971 29565 54166 20843
Mykolaiv Oblast 57.1 314122 74223 34936 26650 33291 15820
Odesa Oblast 48.83 528171 109622 71694 69676 35386 42073
Kherson Oblast 55.56 219458 97756 54717 27057 37900 18966
Sevastopol' 63.12 134743 9507 5044 1716 9995 3259
Vinnytsia Oblast 63.39 78295 319413 192145 141162 32998 22085
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast 55.21 812661 271674 95667 68714 102222 52331
Kirovohrad Oblast 58.95 109521 164178 47521 52996 33156 27757
Poltava Oblast 59.59 176927 232758 114414 110617 47221 19497
Cherkasy Oblast 54.47 77440 277676 88410 97209 31759 22026
Zhytomyr Oblast 61.06 129225 179207 126001 64103 38501 50904
Kyiv Oblast 51.94 98444 443966 115942 101406 22668 28049
Sumy Oblast 59.09 72949 222012 129513 70486 35800 15268
Chernihiv Oblast 59.2 100620 218649 66390 83025 35234 19249
Kyiv 58.85 171250 570808 230556 80114 43446 49425
Volyn Oblast 66.28 27090 264778 124766 24420 13486 19922
Zakarpattia Oblast 55.26 107664 117148 148901 21030 7327 20196
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast 64.83 15517 242551 359621 18212 4703 8321
Lviv Oblast 65.12 45697 500420 574879 33049 10702 11635
Rivne Oblast 66.85 47006 203103 165323 41870 12085 28840
Ternopil Oblast 67.5 13617 232331 230079 24682 3005 9435
Khmelnytsky Oblast 64.86 78736 280179 144425 72559 24113 34592
Chernivtsi Oblast 56.05 57809 137834 122863 20375 7727 11705
Foreign Embassies 7218 5935 13637 737 275 500

Data source


2007 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

2006 [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

  1. 2007 Party of Regions (Партия Регионов) results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01).
  2. 2007 Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko(Блок Юлиа Тимошенко) results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01).
  3. 2007 Our Ukraine-Peoples Self Defence (Наша Украина Народная Самозащита) results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01).
  4. 2007 Communist Party of Ukraine(Социалистическая партия Украины) (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01).
  5. 2007 Bloc Lytyn Party (Блок Литвина) results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01).
  6. 2007 Socialist Party of Ukraine (Социалистическая партия Украины )results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01).
  7. 2006 Party of Regions (Партия Регионов) results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27).
  8. 2006 Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko (Блок Юлиа Тимошенко) results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27).
  9. 2006 Our Ukraine (Наша Украина) results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27).
  10. 2006 Socialist Party of Ukraine (Социалистическая партия Украины) results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27).
  11. 2006 Commuist Party of Ukraine (Коммунистическая партия Украины) results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27).
  12. 2006 Bloc Lytvyn Party (Блок Литвина) results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27).


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