Category:May 1915 in Canada
Media in category "May 1915 in Canada"
The following 132 files are in this category, out of 132 total.
1st Passenger Train to Penticton 31st May 1915 (HS85-10-30388) original.tif 3,006 × 2,562; 22.67 MB
1st Passenger Train to Penticton 31st May 1915 (HS85-10-30388).jpg 2,706 × 2,146; 6.69 MB
Akana near a tent near Bernard Harbour (50905).jpg 614 × 1,024; 111 KB
Anivrunna seated and drumming on Berens Islands (50918).jpg 657 × 1,024; 154 KB
Back view of Copper Inuit men's clothing on Berens Islands (50910).jpg 1,024 × 607; 137 KB
Bare tundra spot with melting water at Bernard Harbour (42262).jpg 1,024 × 602; 104 KB
Bathurst St., looking north from about Lonsmount Dr. (17065194766).jpg 1,449 × 1,920; 824 KB
Black Falls, Pontiac (PR2004-005.22.2-740).jpg 1,024 × 701; 575 KB
Black Falls, Pontiac (PR2004-005.22.3-741).jpg 1,024 × 775; 637 KB
Brock's Monument 1915.jpg 750 × 930; 176 KB
CAE members at Bernard Harbour (42267).jpg 1,024 × 602; 114 KB
CAE schooner North Star at Bernard Harbour (42266).jpg 1,024 × 601; 129 KB
CAE schooner North Star in ice at Bernard Harbour (50898).jpg 1,024 × 613; 111 KB
Camp with tents at Lake Ekallugak (37049).jpg 1,024 × 616; 114 KB
Caribou meat drying at a camp (37035).jpg 1,024 × 610; 111 KB
Chicoutimi - Club de hockey - Les Banquiers - Mai 1915.jpg 800 × 557; 82 KB
Children showing their summer clothing on Berens Islands (50909).jpg 1,024 × 609; 121 KB
Christian Scientist church Ottawa.jpg 468 × 580; 70 KB
Cooking fire inside a wind-break on Victoria Island (37045).jpg 616 × 1,024; 116 KB
Copper Inuit and dogs dragging caribou meat (37093).jpg 1,024 × 609; 86 KB
Copper Inuit camp at Lake Tahiryuak (36992).jpg 1,024 × 628; 112 KB
Copper Inuit children playing (37037).jpg 1,024 × 611; 81 KB
Copper Inuit cutting seal meat near Basil Hall Bay (50923).jpg 1,024 × 610; 101 KB
Copper Inuit eating a seal at Basil Hall Bay (50922).jpg 1,024 × 619; 90 KB
Copper Inuit eating a seal at Basil Hall Bay (50928).jpg 1,024 × 611; 80 KB
Copper Inuit hunting a ptarmigan on Victoria Island (36991).jpg 1,024 × 631; 91 KB
Copper Inuit near motion picture camera on Berens Islands (50913).jpg 1,024 × 609; 92 KB
Copper Inuit repairing a sled near Cape Krusenstern (50924).jpg 1,024 × 612; 130 KB
Copper Inuit repairing a sled near Cape Krusenstern (50925).jpg 1,024 × 608; 85 KB
Copper Inuit repairing a sled near Cape Krusenstern (50926).jpg 1,024 × 613; 89 KB
Copper Inuit sleeping at Lake Numichoin (37003).jpg 1,024 × 622; 90 KB
Copper Inuit sleeping under a lean-to at Lake Numichoin (36984).jpg 1,024 × 626; 130 KB
Copper Inuit spring camp (37043).jpg 1,024 × 616; 86 KB
Copper Inuit spring camp site at Okauyarvik Creek (37063).jpg 1,024 × 613; 92 KB
Copper Inuit women and a man on Berens Islands (50912).jpg 1,024 × 613; 73 KB
Dolomite in cliff face near Inman River (38485).jpg 1,024 × 726; 87 KB
Drying caribou meat (38496).jpg 1,024 × 612; 79 KB
Frances Brittain on rocks at Black Falls, Pontiac (PR2004-005.23.2-744).jpg 1,024 × 818; 760 KB
Front view of Copper Inuit men's clothing on Berens Islands (50911).jpg 1,024 × 616; 134 KB
General view of Grain Elevator No.1.jpg 699 × 546; 190 KB
Hastings County Archives HC02229 (39783542841).jpg 1,512 × 872; 171 KB
Higilaq and Ukpik being pulled by dogs on Victoria Island (36990).jpg 1,024 × 626; 67 KB
Higilaq near summer tent at Lake Tahiryuak (37007).jpg 1,024 × 615; 116 KB
Hospital in the Bella Coola River Valley (48963).jpg 1,024 × 617; 320 KB
Ikey Bolt and Inuk at a dead seal at Bathurst Inlet (38654).jpg 1,024 × 744; 116 KB
Ikey Bolt and Inuk at a dead seal at Bathurst Inlet (38657).jpg 1,024 × 633; 90 KB
Ikey Bolt and Kongalik looking at a dead seal at Bathurst Inlet (38656).jpg 1,024 × 696; 111 KB
Ikey Bolt, Rudolph Anderson and Inuit near a sled, Banks Peninsula (38648).jpg 1,024 × 665; 139 KB
Ikpukkuak fishing in Lake Ekallugak (36971).jpg 1,024 × 615; 71 KB
Inuit and dogs on Berens Islands (50907).jpg 1,024 × 614; 127 KB
Inuit at George Wilkins' tent on Berens Islands (50906).jpg 1,024 × 611; 77 KB
Inuit camp at Banks Peninsula (38647).jpg 1,024 × 610; 90 KB
Inuit clothes drying on rocks on Berens Islands (50908).jpg 1,024 × 609; 109 KB
Inuit partaking of blood soup Bernard Harbour (50901).jpg 1,024 × 608; 105 KB
Inuit women unloading a sled near Bernard Harbour (50904).jpg 1,024 × 609; 93 KB
John Cox and J.R. Crawford beside the North Star at Bernard Harbour (50899).jpg 1,024 × 613; 118 KB
John O'Neill and Kenneth Chipman with dog sled (38713).jpg 1,024 × 610; 79 KB
Kanneyuq and Milukkatuk at a camp (37036).jpg 1,024 × 614; 118 KB
Kaudlak, Tupek and Copper Inuit woman on Berens Islands (50914).jpg 615 × 1,024; 155 KB
Kilagaumik, Acuicha, and Kingaluk on Berens Islands (50920).jpg 1,024 × 609; 112 KB
Kilaudlak ice fishing near Cape Krusenstern (50927).jpg 617 × 1,024; 96 KB
Kingaudlik demostrating shooting an arrow at Wollaston Point (38652).jpg 1,024 × 583; 69 KB
Kingaudlik demostrating shooting an arrow at Wollaston Point (38653).jpg 1,024 × 589; 90 KB
KlondikeDredge.jpg 1,024 × 812; 112 KB
Koata and a young woman sitting in front of a tent on Berens Islands (50917).jpg 613 × 1,024; 105 KB
Kuptana and woman on Berens Islands (50919).jpg 616 × 1,024; 118 KB
Kuptana putting boots on her baby on Berens Islands (50902).jpg 1,024 × 612; 121 KB
Lester Brittain in Major's Hill Park, Ottawa (PR2004-004.23.3-687).jpg 1,024 × 839; 692 KB
Lester Brittain in Strathcona Park, Ottawa (PR2004-004.24.2-690).jpg 1,024 × 822; 704 KB
Lester Brittain sitting on a cannon, Ottawa (PR2004-004.23.4-688).jpg 1,024 × 826; 686 KB
Milukkattuk on Victoria Island, Nunavut (36927).jpg 600 × 1,024; 92 KB
Milukkattuk on Victoria Island, Nunavut (36928 LS).jpg 560 × 1,024; 110 KB
Milukkattuk on Victoria Island, Nunavut (36928).jpg 598 × 1,024; 114 KB
Muskox robes drying at Wollaston Point (38651).jpg 1,024 × 624; 96 KB
Nullivuanna at Berens Islands (50916).jpg 610 × 1,024; 80 KB
Ottawa Fire Department motor pump, Ottawa, Ontario.jpg 1,000 × 808; 127 KB
Poutak and child on Berens Islands (50915).jpg 612 × 1,024; 93 KB
Residence of Eggerner R. Case at Balsam Avenue, Toronto (PR2004-005.2.4-647).jpg 1,024 × 894; 751 KB
Seal shot by Patsy Klengenberg (38550).jpg 1,024 × 653; 90 KB
Sled dog team at M'Clure Strait (50895).jpg 1,024 × 614; 96 KB
Sled dog team at M'Clure Strait (50896).jpg 1,024 × 610; 100 KB
Sled raft landing on ice near Banks Island (50892).jpg 1,024 × 616; 113 KB
Sled-raft crossing the lead at Banks Island (50890).jpg 1,024 × 610; 89 KB
Snow melting on sea ice at Bernard Harbour (42264).jpg 1,024 × 600; 91 KB
Snow-wall protecting a tent near Pearce Point (38548).jpg 1,024 × 592; 92 KB
Snowhouses and sled mounted on snow blocks (37018).jpg 1,024 × 607; 96 KB
Spring camp at Ukullik (37105).jpg 1,024 × 610; 86 KB
Sunnyside Station 1915.jpg 1,037 × 749; 157 KB
Sunnyside train station 1915 Toronto.jpg 1,034 × 653; 138 KB
Temporary tent camp near Deas Thompson Point (43268).jpg 1,024 × 617; 82 KB
Tents at Wollaston Point (38650).jpg 1,024 × 603; 130 KB
Tigsaq carving wood (36968).jpg 1,024 × 632; 119 KB
Top of pressure ridge east of DeWitt Clinton Point (38858).jpg 1,024 × 607; 84 KB
Tuhayok's cache near Oqauyarvik Creek (37086).jpg 1,024 × 610; 69 KB
Two Copper Inuit women on Berens Islands (50921).jpg 1,024 × 615; 99 KB
Two sled with Inuit arriving at Wollaston Point (38649).jpg 1,024 × 592; 92 KB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-01) (IA victoriadailytimes19150501).pdf 2,187 × 2,602, 14 pages; 13.53 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-03) (IA victoriadailytimes19150503).pdf 2,106 × 2,618, 14 pages; 13.29 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-04) (IA victoriadailytimes19150504).pdf 2,106 × 2,618, 14 pages; 13.24 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-05) (IA victoriadailytimes19150505).pdf 2,114 × 2,618, 14 pages; 13.78 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-06) (IA victoriadailytimes19150506).pdf 2,106 × 2,627, 14 pages; 13.55 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-07) (IA victoriadailytimes19150507).pdf 2,100 × 2,635, 16 pages; 16.08 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-08) (IA victoriadailytimes19150508).pdf 2,106 × 2,627, 16 pages; 16.74 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-10) (IA victoriadailytimes19150510).pdf 2,106 × 2,627, 15 pages; 15.04 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-11) (IA victoriadailytimes19150511).pdf 2,100 × 2,627, 14 pages; 14.36 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-12) (IA victoriadailytimes19150512).pdf 2,114 × 2,618, 12 pages; 12.14 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-13) (IA victoriadailytimes19150513).pdf 2,114 × 2,627, 12 pages; 11.96 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-14) (IA victoriadailytimes19150514).pdf 2,114 × 2,627, 17 pages; 16.7 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-15) (IA victoriadailytimes19150515).pdf 2,106 × 2,618, 16 pages; 15.64 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-17) (IA victoriadailytimes19150517).pdf 2,100 × 2,610, 16 pages; 15.24 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-18) (IA victoriadailytimes19150518).pdf 2,106 × 2,610, 14 pages; 13.44 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-19) (IA victoriadailytimes19150519).pdf 2,106 × 2,602, 14 pages; 13.32 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-20) (IA victoriadailytimes19150520).pdf 2,106 × 2,610, 14 pages; 13.65 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-21) (IA victoriadailytimes19150521).pdf 2,114 × 2,610, 16 pages; 15.24 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-22) (IA victoriadailytimes19150522).pdf 2,114 × 2,602, 14 pages; 12.94 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-24) (IA victoriadailytimes19150524).pdf 2,106 × 2,602, 14 pages; 13.14 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-25) (IA victoriadailytimes19150525).pdf 2,106 × 2,602, 14 pages; 13.26 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-26) (IA victoriadailytimes19150526).pdf 2,106 × 2,602, 14 pages; 13.11 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-27) (IA victoriadailytimes19150527).pdf 2,106 × 2,602, 15 pages; 14.29 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-28) (IA victoriadailytimes19150528).pdf 2,106 × 2,602, 16 pages; 14.81 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-29) (IA victoriadailytimes19150529).pdf 2,106 × 2,610, 15 pages; 14.22 MB
Victoria Daily Times (1915-05-31) (IA victoriadailytimes19150531).pdf 2,106 × 2,602, 16 pages; 14.75 MB
Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Storker Storkerson at M'Clure Strait (50897).jpg 615 × 1,024; 73 KB
Vilhjalmur Stefansson's camp on the ice at M'Clure Strait (50894).jpg 1,024 × 614; 72 KB
Vilhjalmur Stefansson's ice party camp at M'Clure Strait (50893).jpg 1,024 × 611; 85 KB