Category:Miracles and Teachings of Christ mosaics in Sant'Apollinare Nuovo (Ravenna)

Left/north side (east to west):

  1. Wedding at Cana (originally Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem as a 'prelude' to the Passion scenes on the right/south wall)
  2. Feeding of the Five Thousand
  3. Calling of Peter and Andrew / Miraculous Draught of Fish
  4. Healing of the Blind Man at Jericho
  5. Healing of the Woman with an Issue of Blood
  6. Christ and the Samaritan Woman
  7. Resurrection of Lazarus
  8. Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
  9. Widow's Mite
  10. Christ Dividing the Sheep from the Goats
  11. Healing of the Paralysed Man at Capernaum
  12. Exorcism of the Gerasene Demoniac
  13. Healing of the Paralysed Man at Bethany