Category:Monkey Grips on guitars

Further reading

  • extrasketchy (2009-03-24). monkey grip. Urban Dictionary (
    "​ Not releasing an item from your hand, even if it is not needed or is having a negative affect. ",
    "​ Originating from the story of trapping monkeys. This is done by placing a banana behind a device that a monkey can easily get their hand through. While grabbing the fruit they make a fist that wont allow them to pull out and they wont let go of the banana. [Examples]
    • Maybe if you let go of your monkey grip on those groceries you could open the door.
    • I had a monkey grip on the fork and couldn't catch the dropping plate of food.


This category has only the following subcategory.


Media in category "Monkey Grips on guitars"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.