Category:Mosul ewer, dated 1246-47, The Walters Art Museum 54.456

Yunus ibn Yusuf, "al-naqqash al-Mawsili" (Iraqi or Syrian) (Artist)
Dated: 644 AH/AD 1246-1247 (Crusader)
Material: brass with silver and gold inlay, and black organic resin decoration (Islamic World )

The artist of this ewer included his signature around the base of the vessel’s neck. Yunus ibn (son of) Yusuf names himself al-naqqash (artist or designer). He also claims the name al-Mawsili, meaning “from Mosul,” thus connecting his identity and his work with the city (in present-day Iraq), a famous metalworking center. Typical of ewers with inlaid decoration, several figural scenes are situated around the body of the vessel. These scenes include depictions of hunters on horseback, musicians playing beneath a tree, and an enthroned ruler. [1]Rice p.134

[Signature] Yunus ibn Yusuf al-naqqash al Mawsili; [Date] A.H. 644; [Translation] Glory to our lord, the sultan, the royal.