Reviewer Mr. Nedeljko Visnjic about my work. Photographic records are merely a template for something that is only after "aggressive" the application of digital image processing is converted into - Nermin image. Mr.. Mulabdic obviously, is not a mere catcher photo records. He photographic notes relating to its digital studio, where the artistic process - has yet to occur. The moment the lens of camera objectives grabbed the only artefact. Subsequent digital processing (after fact) and nesumnnjivo subjectivization and visualization template is what the author wishes to say. One after the other, and, here, in front of us opened an entire gallery visually recognizable "at first sight", unique in expression and performance, unique custom-made injection personal touch. Pictures (I do not say photos) are something that could easily slip over the edge and like to take it into the abyss of kitsch. Author's intervention to rescue them motives that destiny and returns to the world of imaginary reality highly individualized - again I have to say - PICTURES. So plain Rose flower brings relief hand-painted enamel. Prickly cactus turns into a spongy oval outlines. Plain sight from Brezik suddenly rises to the level of painting. Ordained portrait of Hollywood stars can be turned into something we recognize copper Bascarsija Kujundzija. Consistency with the intention apostrophizing personal taste, and insistence on precision in performance, and persistence in specific visualization reflect the expressed author and artistic credo. It could be ... just fine. Not the other way around! Mr.. Mulabdic Nermin but now has a substantial portfolio, and without any false modesty, and hesitate could come out in front of an audience. A reviewer sir. Nedeljko Visnjic. Mr.. Nedeljko Visnjic is a former journalist of Tuzla "Front of freedom" and former editor of the Belgrade "Borba". He was a correspondent for 30-odd newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations in the region of the former Yugoslavia. Now working on resentment place - much quieter than novinarstva- in the chain of retirement homes in Columbus, OH, U.S.A.

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