<nowiki>pinealoblastoma; 松果体芽細胞腫; pinéaloblastome; Szyszyniak zarodkowy; Пінеалобластома; 松果體母細胞瘤; 松果体母细胞瘤; Pineoblastom; pinealoblastoma; ورم الأورمة الصنوبرية; 松果体母细胞瘤; tumore maligno della ghiandola pineale; Krankheit; pineal gland neoplasm located in the brain; مرض يصيب الإنسان; хвороба; pineoblastoma; Pineal PNET; Pineoblastoma (WHO Grade IV); Primitive Neuroectodermal Neoplasm of the Pineal Gland; Pineal Primitive Neuroectodermal Neoplasm; PINEOBLASTOMA, MALIGNANT; Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor of the Pineal Gland; Pineal Gland Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor; Pineal Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor; Pineal Gland Primitive Neuroectodermal Neoplasm; PNET of the Pineal Gland; Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor of Pineal Gland; Primitive Neuroectodermal Neoplasm of Pineal Gland; PNET of Pineal Gland; Pineal Gland PNET; Pineoblastoma; Pinealoblastom; وَرَمُ الأَرُوماتِ الصَّنَوْبَرِيَّة; ورم أرومي صنوبري; ورم الأرومات الصنوبرية</nowiki>
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