This category is for church buildings, not Christian denominations.
Place content relating to other Christian churches (not buildings) in a suitable subcategory of "Category:Christian denominations".
<nowiki>chiesa protestante; temple protestant; пратэстанцкі храм; протестантский храм; Protestantisches Kirchengebäude; igreja protestante; eaglais Phrotastúnach; ساختمان کلیسای پروتستان; protestantska cerkvena stavba; プロテスタント教会の建物; kościół protestancki; כנסייה פרוטסטנטית; protestantse kerk; església protestant; протестантска црква; iglesia de culto protestante; protestáns templom; Protestant church building; Protestanta kirko; protestantský kostel; eglwys Brotestannaidd; edificio associato a una religione cristiana protestante; édifice religieux affilié à une dénomination protestante; храм пратэстанцкай дэнамінацыі; budynek kościoła wyznań protestanckich; gebouw voor christelijke eredienst; Kirchengebäude, das einer protestantischen Konfession angehört; church building affiliated with a protestant denomination; kirko de Protestanta konfesio; adeilad eglwys sy'n gysylltiedig a Brotestaniaeth; chiesa evangelica; église protestante; iglesia protestante; пратэстанцкая царква; пратэстанцкая кірха; пратэстанцкі дом малітвы; Protestantische Kirche; Reformierte Kirche; Evangelische Kirche; protestantska cerkev; evangeličanska cerkev; reformirana cerkev; protestants kerkgebouw; Protestantse Kerk</nowiki>
Protestant church building
church building affiliated with a protestant denomination