division within Christianity, originating from the Reformation in the 16th century against the Catholic Church, that rejects the Catholic doctrines of papal supremacy and sacraments | |||||
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This category has the following 25 subcategories, out of 25 total.
Media in category "Protestantism"
The following 109 files are in this category, out of 109 total.
"Nazi-Glocken" in der Sonderausstellung des Lutherhauses Eisenach.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 3.62 MB
029 bonnie brae house.jpg 392 × 297; 17 KB
100th anniversary of KECh.jpg 4,000 × 2,248; 3.43 MB
AmityPrintingCo.jpg 450 × 222; 68 KB
Anna Alice Meyer.jpg 542 × 720; 59 KB
Assemblée au Désert, Jeanne Lombard, 1934.jpg 1,024 × 778; 149 KB
Associação Mundial das Assembleias de Deus.png 1,384 × 200; 82 KB
Bandeau portail protestantisme.jpg 1,518 × 253; 72 KB
Bandeau portail protestantisme.png 1,518 × 253; 126 KB
Baptême clandestin, par Jeanne Lombard.jpg 1,000 × 634; 46 KB
Bèze Cantiques 1595.JPG 515 × 865; 81 KB
Christianism in africa.png 1,024 × 768; 53 KB
ChristianPoliticsNZ.png 720 × 360; 38 KB
Château de Reichshoffen 1869 (TR) Hancke Charles.pdf 2,133 × 1,395; 306 KB
Come let us all with gladness raise.ogg 39 s; 582 KB
Communion trays.png 3,279 × 1,641; 4.2 MB
Continental Reformed.png 1,053 × 743; 81 KB
Coquerel - Histoire des églises du désert, Tome 1.djvu 3,161 × 5,071, 579 pages; 16.63 MB
Coraly Hinsch-Armengaud.jpg 627 × 981; 142 KB
Countries with historically sizeable Reformed communities.svg 2,560 × 1,314; 1.62 MB
Cover page of the October 1943 issue of Le Lien, a monthly published by the FPCL.jpg 3,064 × 2,998; 2.91 MB
Dam Jaarsma hûs.JPG 3,264 × 2,448; 3.67 MB
Davantes3.gif 401 × 722; 60 KB
Deigmawiki.jpg 346 × 518; 71 KB
Derevo-Hristianstva.jpg 749 × 247; 44 KB
Dietmar Arends 2014.jpg 1,348 × 1,752; 397 KB
DoraYu.png 105 × 160; 10 KB
Dra.Nerisírley Barreira do Nascimento PhD 2010 (cropped).jpg 1,033 × 1,033; 306 KB
Dra.Nerisírley Barreira do Nascimento PhD.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.6 MB
Eglise réformée - Bourg-lès-Valence.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 4.57 MB
Ellet Joseph Waggoner.jpg 144 × 190; 3 KB
Emercy International Flag Logo.png 103 × 44; 2 KB
Empfang eines neuen Pfarrers durch seine Gemeinde im Schwarzwald.jpg 500 × 364; 84 KB
Evangelische Kirche Oberschützen - 2021.jpg 1,560 × 2,048; 328 KB
EvolutionEglisesProtestantesNL.jpg 1,998 × 1,246; 508 KB
FCDWyneken.JPG 550 × 727; 40 KB
First page of Conseil à la France désolée.jpg 645 × 681; 96 KB
Foxe-martyrs-iconoclasm-1563.png 1,035 × 1,024; 349 KB
Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarz.jpg 222 × 330; 23 KB
Gedenkplaat Jordaens.jpg 3,216 × 4,288; 2.66 MB
George Stetson.jpg 150 × 224; 7 KB
GKI Karang Pacar, Bojonegoro.jpg 1,080 × 610; 68 KB
Grabstein Kurt Müller-Osten.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 12.25 MB
Greti Caprez-Roffler an ihrem 25. Geburtstag 1931.jpg 5,433 × 5,433; 4.83 MB
GUAYAIBI.jpg 2,550 × 3,300; 2.08 MB
Hans Faber.png 647 × 690; 684 KB
Hussites.gif 922 × 692; 621 KB
Hôtel Beurnier-Rossel 0077.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 455 KB
Interdenominational movements & other Protestant developments-ar.svg 800 × 512; 309 KB
Interdenominational movements & other Protestant developments.svg 800 × 512; 23 KB
Ipsalog.gif 1,102 × 1,059; 104 KB
Jeugdkerk D-Vote.jpg 800 × 600; 34 KB
Johann Georg Widmann.png 148 × 168; 46 KB
Jordaens Putte Lambeaux.jpg 3,216 × 4,288; 2.91 MB
Katekesen, annons 1896.png 796 × 246; 45 KB
Keli.gif 400 × 400; 18 KB
Komunia kalwińska.jpg 2,000 × 1,523; 1.23 MB
Le livre des marchans 1533.jpg 509 × 628; 73 KB
Les hérétiques vaudois XVème siècle.jpg 429 × 586; 141 KB
Les prisonnières lisant la Bible à la tour de Constance.jpg 381 × 570; 38 KB
Lesne koscioly 09.jpg 320 × 427; 92 KB
Logo of Evangelical Protestant Initiative.jpg 960 × 960; 118 KB
LogotipoAD.png 498 × 367; 43 KB
Looting of the Churches of Lyon by the Calvinists 1562.jpg 2,736 × 1,995; 1.91 MB
Louis Abram 1957.png 482 × 517; 48 KB
Luther, Melanchthon, Pomeranus and Crucicer Wellcome V0048412.jpg 3,200 × 2,808; 3.48 MB
Maheanu'u a Mai.jpg 288 × 407; 143 KB
Marteilhe - La vie aux galères, 1909.djvu 1,513 × 2,213, 238 pages; 6.49 MB
Martin Luther Colloquia Mensalia Table Talk ed Captain Henry Bell London 1652.jpg 2,652 × 2,175; 1.74 MB
New Japanese Bible.jpg 93 × 166; 2 KB
Newtown School Waterford Main Building.jpg 282 × 188; 22 KB
Nikolaus Schneider 2014.jpg 2,923 × 2,529; 864 KB
Nl-Baptisme-article.ogg 2 min 3 s; 1.29 MB
Pace di Cavour.JPG 2,576 × 1,932; 1.19 MB
Pasteur Paul Doumergue.jpg 205 × 206; 4 KB
Picto infobox protestant.png 25 × 45; 1 KB
Pierre-Jean Ruff.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 787 KB
Portal Protestantyzm logo.png 796 × 190; 350 KB
Prisonnières huguenotes à la Tour de Constance, par Jeanne Lombard.jpg 600 × 378; 191 KB
Protest for palestine Tunis Kassba 17-05-2021 By Brahim Guedich-3790.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 1.4 MB
Protestant Traditions.png 1,905 × 820; 137 KB
ReductionHavre1563.jpg 343 × 509; 59 KB
Rosa Ramseyer.png 295 × 295; 175 KB
Schandpfahl.png 1,218 × 3,376; 1.59 MB
ShatinPuiYingCollege 20070828.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 1.53 MB
St. Michael (Dühren, Wittelshofen, Mittelfranken), August 2022.jpg 3,412 × 2,569; 1.22 MB
Stephan Agricola.jpg 241 × 369; 26 KB
Szczecin ul Tatrzanska (dawny cmentarz).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 686 KB
The Amity Foundation.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 710 KB
The Christian Century - December 2022 Issue Cover.jpg 574 × 755; 155 KB
The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism.djvu 1,981 × 3,172, 318 pages; 6.44 MB
The Sir Francis Drake monument at Drake's Beach, California 1946.jpg 741 × 991; 486 KB
TOpoku.png 198 × 183; 38 KB
Two-babylons.jpg 339 × 475; 23 KB
Walther-gesangbuch-1524-vorrede.jpg 767 × 996; 857 KB
William sloan.jpg 537 × 675; 148 KB
Xhiltea lidjwès.png 271 × 376; 86 KB
基督教とは何ぞや.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 265 KB
聖イエス会ロゴス神学院.JPG 1,948 × 1,412; 235 KB