Category:Province House (Prussia)

English: A Landeshaus (provincial house, house of the land) was an official building housing the bodies of provincial self-rule, as enacted by Prussian law in 1875. The urban and rural districts within each province became constituent members of the newly formed provincial body (called Provinzialverband, provincial association), delegated deputees to the provincial diets (Provinziallandtag), which elected provincial governments (Landesausschuss, i.e. land committee), electing the head of provincial government (Landeshauptmann, i.e. land captain). From 1921 on all the inhabitants of each province were enfranchised to directly elect their deputees into the provincial parliament. These institutions ran widely unnoticed by many historians of administrative structures, rather envisioning the centrally appointed governmental vicegerents, called provincial Upper President (Oberpräsident). These followed central prerogatives in supervising, whereas the Provinzialverband and its bodies developed solutions and designed politics in self-rule.


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