Category:Római katolikus plébániaház (Mogyoród)

Parish building / rectory? next the R.C. Church. Built in 1770s ordered by Bishop Kristóf Migazzi of Vác. Originally as a hunting lodge? later remodelled. The construction was leaded by Gáspár Oszwald, Episcopal Construction Director of Vác, as well as the construction of the Vác Cathedral. The parish established /organized by Count Bishop Károly Eszterházy in 1761, and attached Csömör and Fót ecclesia parochialis too. The parish also maintained an elementary school. - 2 Temető Road, Mogyoród, Pest County, Hungary.
Római katolikus plébániaház 22509/1958. ÉM 87/ /1958. Műemlék MM, 32/2005. II. (XII. 22.). A homlokzatot egyszerű, szalagkeretes ablakok és osztópárkány tagolják. Az épületre merőlegesen áll a hosszú, nyeregtetős, egykori istállóépület. - Pest megye, Mogyoród, Temető út 2.

This is a category about a monument in Hungary. Identifier: 11954

Media in category "Római katolikus plébániaház (Mogyoród)"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.