by name by usage by network by company by line by location on track network by usage (low to none) by company (earlier) by elevation by elevation (line) by recency
(new, moved, reopened stations)
2013: Bellach , Beringerfeld , Bözingenfeld/Champs-de-Boujean , Lyss Grien , Solothurn Allmend , Mendrisio S.Martino
2014: Fribourg/Freiburg Poya , Stabio
2015: Neuhausen Rheinfall , Siselen-Finsterhennen
2016: Sarnen Nord
2017: Aarau Torfeld
2019: Châtel-Saint-Denis , Givisiez , Fiesch , Chêne-Bourg , Genève-Eaux-Vives , Genève-Champel , Lancy-Bachet
2021: La Chaux-de-Fonds Les Forges
(to be completed)
by recency (buildings) by decade by canton by station layout by number of tracks
1 (218)
2 (441)
3 (159)
4 (50)
5 (44)
more (ca. 47)
by heritage status by view by image set station features intermodality features naming related categories tools for category search category
English: Railway stations in Switzerland served only on some occasions, such as special events. This is different from "request stops" that are served whenever requested on some services.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.