<nowiki>Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; 霍托针尾雀属; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; 霍托針尾雀屬; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; Schoeniophylax; 霍托针尾雀属; genere di uccelli; পাখির গণ; madárnem; linnuperekond; xéneru d'aves; gènere d'ocells; genws o adar; gjini e zogjve; род птици; gen de păsări; genus of birds; עוף משפ תנריים; genre d'oiseaux; genus burung; slekt av sporvefuglar; slekt av spurvefugler; geslacht van zangvogels uit de familie ovenvogels; géineas éan; genero di uceli; género de aves; рід птахів; xénero de aves; جنس من الطيور; rod ptáků; 灶鸟科的一属鸟类; תנר זנב שדרה</nowiki>
Note: This category should be empty. Any content should be recategorised.
This tag should be used on existing categories that are likely to be used by others, even though the "real" category is elsewhere.
Redirected categories should be empty and not categorised themselves. It should not be used on categories that are misspellings and thus unlikely to be used by other people.