Category:Shijōnawate ni te Nanke no eiyū taiteki o hikiukete by Utagawa Kuniyoshi

  • At Shijōnawate the Heroes of the Kusunoki Clan Take on a Gigantic Enemy Force in a Mighty Battle Displaying Their Incomparable Renown Shijōnawate ni te Nanke no eiyū taiteki o hikiukete ōi ni sōsen shite batsugun no kōmyō o arawasu no zu 四条縄手にて楠家の英雄大敵を引請けて大いに争戦して抜群の高名をあらはすの圖 published 1857 4th lunar month by Sagami-ya Tōkichi
  • The last stand of the Kusunoki clan at Shijōnawate under a hail of arrows in 1348: Genshū (right), Masatsura (center) and Masatomo (left)

Media in category "Shijōnawate ni te Nanke no eiyū taiteki o hikiukete by Utagawa Kuniyoshi"

The following 22 files are in this category, out of 22 total.