Category:Smart Specialisation Strategy in Montenegro

By drafting the Smart Specialisation Strategy, Montenegro has joined the initiative of the European Union that focuses on the new model of economic development at the national or regional level based on targeted support to scientific research activities and innovations. Pursuant to the strategic development vision of Montenegro, through the application of the S3 methodology and implementation of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process, four priority areas have been defined. By investments, as well as through the development of innovative and research potential in the proposed priority areas, new opportunities will be created for entrepreneurial activities and development of a knowledge-based economy. Four priorities are as follows: Energy and sustainable environment, Sustainable agriculture and food value chain, Sustainable and health tourism; and ICT, where ICT is a horizontal sector as it provides business and technological support to other priority sectors.

Media in category "Smart Specialisation Strategy in Montenegro"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.